Arc System Works has announced that Sin Kiske will be joining Guilty Gear Strive as part of Season Pass 2, set to launch on November 24.
Sin is the child of Ky Kiske, the Allied King of Illyria, and Dizzy, a half-Gear woman. Ky handed over Sin when he was a child to Sol, Ky’s rival. Due to Sin’s Gear blood, he grows up at an accelerated rate. While he is muscular and looks like an adult, he isn’t even 10 years old yet.
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Now Playing: Guilty Gear -Strive- Sin Kiske Starter Guide
Guilty Gear Strive’s Season Pass 2 will include two more characters and battle stages, which are going to be released sometime in 2023. The first character introduced in Season Pass 2 was Bridget back in August.
Guilty Gear Strive is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. The game will be released on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S in Spring 2023.
In GameSpot’s Guilty Gear Strive review, we said, “Like all Guilty Gears, it is a game of extremes. If you’ve tried the series and fallen off because of its complexities, I wouldn’t expect a different outcome. If you’re up for a challenge, or just want a cool, sharp-looking fighting game to mess around with, Strive knows all the right moves.”
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