Gundam Evolution Is Getting A Closed Beta In North America This Spring

Bandai Namco has announced today that Gundam Evolution, its free-to-play, 6v6 FPS set in the Gundam universe, will get a global launch and a new closed beta that will be open to players in both North America and Japan. The game is also now confirmed for PlayStation and Xbox consoles, as well as the PC version that was announced last year.

Based on a free-to-play model, Gundam Evolution will revolve around 6v6 objective-based combat, which sees players piloting well-known Mobile Suit Units from the Gundam universe. The game includes 12 base Mobile Suits that are available for free, with more Units planned to be added beyond the initial 12. Unlike other games that rely on defined classes, each Unit in Gundam Evolution will have its own unique set of skills that players can utilize for strategic play.

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Now Playing: Gundam Evolution – Official Japanese Gameplay Announcement Trailer

A new closed beta has been announced for both consoles and PC, with the upcoming playtest open to players from Japan and North America. The test will add some new content on top of what was playable in the earlier Japanese beta, including two new Mobile Suit Units on top of the original 12–Gundam Exia and Marasai (Unicorn Vers.).

The playtest is scheduled for April 7-12 on PC, which players can sign up for via Steam. Test periods for Xbox and PlayStation consoles haven’t currently been announced, though Bandai Namco has said they will happen this spring. Details on how to register for the console playtests are also yet to be revealed, with Bandai Namco recommending players keep an eye out on the game’s official channels.

Gundam Evolution is due to release simultaneously in both Japan and North America. No release date for these regions has been confirmed, but Bandai Namco says it will arrive before the end of 2022. It’s also been confirmed that the game will release for the European market, but a release window hasn’t been announced for this region.

About Hayley Williams

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