Halo 3 Is Getting This New Map From The Canceled Halo Online Game

As part of Microsoft’s ongoing effort to support and expand on Halo: The Master Chief Collection, developer 343 Industries has announced that a map from the canceled Halo Online is coming to the game in a future update.

The map, which you can see below, was included with Halo Online, the free-to-play Halo game based on Halo 3’s engine. The game was only released in Russia and it was swiftly canceled, so only a small subset of Halo fans ever got to play it. Thankfully, then, it’s now coming to The Master Chief Collection very soon.

The new map, which wasn’t given a name in the blog post announcement, appears to be set on some kind of facility in a frozen environment.

This new map is expected to go live in Halo: MCC’s next beta test, which is scheduled for as early as February 18, though 343 isn’t committing to that timing or even if the map will make it into the beta test.

Additionally, this new beta test will include the new Custom Game Browser, the first Season 6 content, and support for double keybindings. It will also include an FOV slider on Xbox One, with the Series X|S FOV slider no longer locked when running at 120hz. You can see the full rundown of planned features for the beta test below, but again, be aware that the list is non-final and subject to change.

Halo: MCC February 18 Beta Test Content

Custom Game Browser: a new way to play with each other in MCCSeason 6 contentA new map for Halo 3 from Halo OnlineFOV slider support for all Xbox One consolesFOV slider will no longer be locked when Xbox Series X|S devices are set to 120hzDouble KeybindingsMouse & Keyboard support for consolesAdvanced Audio optionsView Model Customization options

If you want to have a shot at testing out the new Halo 3 map for MCC, you’ll need to register for a free Halo Insider account and then hope you are chosen for the beta. This is also the program through which 343 will select beta testers for Halo Infinite, so Halo fans may want to sign up sooner rather than later.

In other Halo news, 343 just announced a huge amount of information about Halo Infinite, covering weapons vehicles, post-launch support, and lots more.

About Eddie Makuch

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