Halo Infinite beta players have found a creative way to compete prior to the game’s official launch, and it doesn’t even involve shooting each others’ characters in the face. While the beta is limited to Arena Slayer and a training mode called The Academy, experienced Spartans have started racking up Academy scores to compare online.
Academy is meant to be an advanced tutorial, helping onboard newcomers and teach veterans some of the more nuanced techniques that it takes to be a top-tier Halo player. But the Academy challenges also issue scores based on performance, including multipliers for things like double or triple kills. So naturally it didn’t take long for players to start to gamify the tutorials.
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343’s David Ellis, who works on the Academy, has been sharing some notable scores on Twitter under the hashtag WeaponDrillHighScore. Ellis requested people share their own scores with the hashtag, and subsequently asked that players participating share their platform and input device.
The resulting threads are full of Halo players showing off their scores, like one player who cracked 60,000 in a Sniper challenge, or above 20,000 for the Heatwave or BR75.
It’s essentially a DIY score challenge, albeit without leaderboards. Maybe after the interest shown in the beta that feature will be coming. It did catch the attention of at least one member of the Academy team, after all.
This first Halo Infinite beta trial is set to last until August 2. There are a few known hiccups, but if you get a spot here’s how to install and get into the beta.