Halo Infinite Big Team Battle Matchmaking Issues Likely Won't Be Fixed Until Next Year

Halo Infinite’s ongoing Big Team Battle matchmaking issues are a top priority for 343 Industries, but it may be weeks before a fix for the problem is deployed, the developer has confirmed.

Players attempting to matchmake into Halo Infinite’s 12v12 multiplayer playlist are frequently receiving matchmaking errors, and those who do find a match have had a high chance of finding themselves with far fewer teammates than normal.

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In a forum post on Halo Waypoint, 343 confirms that it has seen an increase in Big Team Battle matchmaking errors over the past few days, stating the issue was never present in the game’s beta period. Steps the team has already taken to mitigate the issue, such as reducing game sizes to 10v10 and disabling the ability for players to join-in-progress, have not had a meaningful impact, and have been removed.

343 describes the problem as complex. That, factored in with the upcoming holidays, means that a patch to address the problem likely won’t come until next year.

“Work continues as possible but with upcoming closures and dependencies–and a critical need to ensure the team has adequate time to recharge after a tough year–we are targeting a patch in January,” 343 states. “This issue is a top priority and we hope to have updates to share once everyone is able to re-engage after the break.”

In the meantime, 343 writes that solo queue players have a much higher chance of successfully finding a Big Team Battle match, while larger fireteams will likely have a harder time loading into the game. If a solo queue player is having trouble finding a Big Team Battle match, 343 recommends force quitting the game and restarting.

The Big Team Battle issues come as Halo Infinite players have discovered a way to glitch their way into enabling split-screen campaign co-op. On the multiplayer side, Halo Infinite recently received numerous new playlists, including Team Slayer, alongside further tweaks to the game’s challenge system.

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About Cameron Koch

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