Halo Infinite Campaign Missions Are Not Replayable At Launch

Halo Infinite’s campaign launches this Wednesday, December 8, and in a big change from tradition, the game won’t let you replay missions. Players need to start a new save file to play missions again.

A spokesperson for Microsoft confirmed this to Polygon. Part of the reason why is that Halo Infinite has a semi open-world structure. “Once you’ve cleared an area or completed a story mission, you can go back to explore. It’s just that story missions won’t trigger,” Polygon reported.

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Now Playing: Halo Infinite Campaign Review

A spokesperson told the site: “The postgame does give you the option to keep exploring the wider environment, but for missions like the first two, where you’re not on the ring yet, you can’t replay from the same save file. You’d be able to get any remaining FOBs, targets, [and] audio logs, but the main story missions would not repeat.”

Associate creative director Paul Crocker told The Verge that 343 is working on an update for sometime after launch that will let players replay campaign missions. “We want to have replay that works well, and when you have a more open game, it gets a lot trickier,” Crocker said. “So we made a decision to improve the quality of the single-player campaign to ensure that, as a foundation, that it’s as strong as it possibly could be so that we could then add the other features back in.”

Halo Infinite’s campaign also does not support co-op, another staple of the series, but this will be added sometime in 2022. Forge mode, too, will arrive at a later date.

Halo Infinite’s multiplayer beta will also grow and evolve over time–recently, 14 new modes were discovered–so it seems like 343 has lots more on tap.

After years of development and a year-long delay, Halo Infinite’s campaign releases on December 8. Reviews are coming online now, and here at GameSpot, our Halo Infinite campaign review scored the game a 9/10. For more, check out what other Halo Infinite reviews say.

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About Eddie Makuch

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