Halo Infinite has a number of exclusive cosmetics tied to purchasing various real-world products, but a tweet from Halo Infinite’s community director asking fans their opinion on the matter means change could be on the horizon.
Though Halo Infinite’s year-long delay from Winter 2020 to Winter 2021 threw a wrench into some of the game’s marketing deals, players at various points over the last two years have been able to purchase things like Nerf guns, Halo action figures, Mega Bloks sets, and Rockstar Energy drinks in order to unlock exclusive cosmetics in-game. However, some of those cosmetics, like the ones associated with Rockstar Energy, are no longer easily obtainable, meaning many players have been left out.
343 Industries’ Brian Jarrard on Twitter asked fans if they would like to see other ways to obtain those promotional cosmetics. Jarrard states there are “no plans either way at the moment,” but asked if fans would be okay with those previously marketing deal-exclusive cosmetics coming to Halo Infinite either via the in-game shop or some other method.
Judging from the replies, fans seem to have mixed opinions on the matter. Some want those items to remain exclusive to those who purchased them when they were available, while others would like to see the cosmetics made earnable in-game rather than for sale in the shop.
Following fan complaints, 343 recently began making changes to how some of Halo Infinite’s various cosmetics work, like allowing visors to be equipped on all helmets regardless of their corresponding armor core and making it so attachments can be used on a wider variety of helmets. 343 has said its goal is to move away from the game’s controversial armor core system in favor of one that will allow players to mix-and-match armor pieces, coatings, and attachments interchangeably.
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