Halo Infinite Devs Hear Your Feedback "Loud And Clear"

The developers of Halo Infinite are receiving fan feedback “loud and clear,” but fans shouldn’t expect immediate changes to the progression system or other issues players have voiced about the game.

Community director Brian Jarrard said the Halo Infinite development team is currently taking a break for the Thanksgiving holiday after a “long final stretch” to get the multiplayer out, and he asked fans for understanding.

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“Please know the constructive feedback is being heard loud and clear. Changes will take time and our priority this week is giving the team a much deserved break for the holiday after a long final stretch. Thank you for understanding,” Jarrard said.

The Halo Infinite multiplayer beta released on November 15 as part of the 20th anniversary of Xbox celebrations. Players have embraced the game and have spoken positively about it in general, though the progression system in particular has been called out. 343 already made some changes to the XP and progression systems, but “more robust” updates are coming later.

Halo Infinite’s first event, Fracture: Tenrai, has begun, adding a new event pass that features new cosmetics to unlock.

For more, check out GameSpot’s Halo Infinite multiplayer beta review-in-progress. We also recently got to tryout the campaign, and you can read our Halo Infinite campaign impressions here.

And in other news, Microsoft recently explained why delaying Halo Infinite’s campaign co-op feature was the right thing to do.

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About Eddie Makuch

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