Halo Infinite, Gears 5 Are Not Supported On Valve's Steam Deck

Microsoft has detailed which of its games are compatible with Valve’s Steam Deck, with only a handful of titles being unsupported thanks to incompatibility with anti-cheat software.

In a post on Steam, Microsoft explained that each developer in Xbox Games Studios is responsible to ensuring compatibility with the Steam Deck, but that priorities at each might force this to take longer than expected. The upside is that many games are already compatible, with a large majority having “Verified” statuses already from Valve.

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The following games are classified as Steam Deck Verified:

DeathloopPsychonauts 2Hellblade: Senua’s SacrificeThe Evil WithinFallout ShelterPreyBattletoadsMax: The Curse of the Brotherhood

These games haven’t been Verified by Valve directly but are still playable currently:

Sea of ThievesFallout 4Forza Horizon 5Forza Horizon 4Quantum BreakState of Decay: Year One Survival Edition

In terms of games that will not work at all with the Steam Deck, it might come as no surprise that the issues they encounter are around anti-cheat systems. Halo Infinite and The Master Chief Collection are both unsupported, as well as Gears of War 5 and Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X. Unlike Bungie, which says players attempting to play Destiny 2 on the Steam Deck might result in a ban, Microsoft hasn’t detailed what exactly might happen if you try get them working on SteamOS.

You can circumvent this entirely now that AMD had released Windows drivers for the Steam Deck, allowing you to remove SteamOS and install Windows 10. These drivers are just the start of Windows support for Valve’s new PC, but Valve itself is not providing support for users who attempt to do this.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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