Halo Infinite‘s multiplayer mode brings together players from Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC–and it works surprisingly well. But while the game offers a lot of ways to take on other players, its user interface can be confusing. Some features are a bit hidden within the depths of the menus. One such key button is the one that mutes other players in-match, and without it, you might be subjected to unknown horrors as you’re forced to listen to whatever is going on in the lives of your fellow Spartans.
Though it’s not immediately apparent, there is a way to mute other players in your match, both as a group and individually, provided you know where to find that option. There are also ways to shut down chat for good if you don’t even want to worry about it. Here’s all you need to know about muting other players in Halo Infinite.
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How To Mute Players
You might have been stymied while trying to mute players in player-vs.-player matches in Halo Infinite. In many first-person shooters, you can usually access the option to silence other players from the same screen you can see the Roster and scoreboard, but in Halo Infinite, there’s no ability to click on names from that location. Instead, you have to go to the Social Menu.
How To Find The Social Menu
The Social Menu is located on the big menu screen whenever you hit the Menu button on controller or Escape on PC. When you open that screen, down the left side, you’ll see various menu options. But if you look down in the bottom right corner, you’ll see the prompt that lets you open up the Chat and Social menus, as well as the Settings menu. The Social menu is the one in the center, accessible with the View button on controller or Tab on keyboard, which lets you see your friends list and, crucially, the list of everyone in your current game.
Tap into the Social menu and you’ll now see three tabs at the top of the screen. You want the leftmost tab, which displays the players currently in your game. You can quickly mute them all with a single button (Y on controller, the R key on PC), or select a specific name and hit A on controller or Enter on keyboard to pull up their player card. Once there, highlight the option to mute, and you’ll knock out that player’s ability to talk to you.
Turn Off Chat In the Settings
You can also just shut down in-game chat altogether, which is especially useful if you’re always playing alone, if you’re making use of Xbox party chat, or if you use third-party services such as Discord to handle your conversations. You can turn off all the chat options, including text, from the Settings menu. Pull up the menu either by hitting Start on your controller or F1 on your keyboard. You can also get to the settings menu by hitting escape and pulling up all of Halo Infinite’s menus–it’ll be at the top of the list.
From the Settings menu, head to the Audio tab at the top. At the bottom of the Audio menu, you’ll find the options you’re looking for. You can adjust the Voice Chat Mode here, as well as turn on or off Lobby Chat and Match Chat. If you want all talking to cease, disable both Lobby and Match chats.
There’s also an option here to adjust Incoming Chat Volume, and while you can switch off the Lobby and Match chats in the menu, we’ve found that sometimes, voices will still get through. You can put an end to all of it by lowering the Incoming Voice Chat Volume bar to zero.