Halo Infinite Interference Event – All Challenges And Rewards

Halo Infinite Season 2: Lone Wolves is now live and there is a brand new event alongside it. The Halo Infinite Interference event is offering a variety of free cosmetics items that go along with the armor sets available in the Season 2 battle pass. Here’s how to complete all of the challenges for the Halo Infinite Interference event and the cosmetic rewards you can earn.

Interference Challenges

There are 10 challenges for the Interference event, with each challenge awarding one tier on the free reward track. All of these challenges need to be completed in Last Spartan Standing, Halo Infinite’s new free-for-all mode that functions like a mini-battle royale. 12 spartans battle it out on a shrinking map, earning new weapons, with the last one standing winning. These challenges are doled out randomly along with regular XP challenges, so you may need to complete a few non-event challenges to see them all. The 10 event challenges are:

Earn cumulative player score in Last Spartan Standing matches (2500) – 200 XPKill an enemy Spartan from behind with a melee attack in Last Spartan Standing (1) – 300 XPEarn cumulative player score in Last Spartan Standing matches (5000) – 350 XPComplete Last Spartan Standing matches (2) – 300 XPKill enemy Spartans in Last Spartan Standing (10) – 300 XPEarn cumulative player score in Last Spartan Standing matches (10000) – 400 XPKill enemy Spartans with a headshot in Last Spartan Standing (5) – 300 XPKill enemy Spartans with a melee attack in Last Spartan Standing (10) – 350 XPKill enemy Spartans with a headshot in Last Spartan Standing (10) – 350 XPKill enemy Spartans with a headshot in Last Spartan Standing (25) – 400 XP

Kill enemy Spartans with a headshot in Last Spartan Standing (25) – 400 XP

Interference rewards

Halo Infinite’s Interference event pass contains 10 items. This includes a number of armor pieces for the Rakshasa armor core, which is included in the Season 2: Lone Wolves battle pass. It also includes a couple weapon skins, an AI color, and a backdrop. Here is every item in the Interference free reward pass.

Iratus BackdropCastor’s Keeper AI ColorCastor’s Keeper AI ColorSafety Off StanceOnyx Timberwolf MK50 Sidekick Weapon CoatingShikari HelmetAAP/KARD Plate ChestUA/Type PTL Knee PadsOnyx Timberwolf S7 Sniper Weapon CoatingWulfenite Eyes VisorTAS[2]/Patternwolf Helmet Attachment

When does Interference end?

The event is set to end on May 16, so you will have just shy of two weeks to unlock everything in the Interference event. That also means there will be a fresh set of event challenges at the weekly reset, which occurs every Tuesday. The challenges will likely still be restricted to Last Spartan Standing. 343 Industries has not said if the Interference event will return later in the season, however it did say there will be a second Last Spartan Standing event, Alpha Pack, later in the season. The Halo Infinite Season 2: Lone Wolves battle pass is also now available, with 100 tiers of rewards, both free and premium.

About James Carr

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