Halo Infinite Last Spartan Standing Tips

Halo Infinite Season 2: Lone Wolves is now live, adding a brand new free-for-all game mode, Last Spartan Standing. The new mode is like a miniature battle royale, pitting 12 players against each other with limited lives. The mode also has a shrinking zone similar to battle royale modes, although it isn’t as aggressive. With rumors that Certain Affinity is making a true battle royale mode for the game, now is the perfect time to brush up on your skills. Here are some tips to help you dominate in Last Spartan Standing.

How Last Spartan Standing works

Before you start honing your skills and dominating your opponents, it’s important to understand how the game mode works and what your objective is. The 12-person mode is a free-for-all match, so each player is pitted against everyone else. Each player starts with five respawns, so once you die six times you’re permanently out. Every player starts with the same set of weapons and can earn better ones as they earn XP by getting kills, assists, or picking up bonus XP left by eliminated players. Once the game gets down to only a few players remaining, the play field will begin to shrink. The Last Spartan Standing wins the match.

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Weapon upgrade levels

One of the most important parts of the game is that there are no weapons on the map. There are only grenades, overshields, and active camo drops around the map. Instead, players start with a single set of weapons that can be upgraded over the course of the game, similar to Gun Game in Call of Duty. You can choose to level up once you have earned enough XP, but you don’t have to level up. The reason this is important is that the weapon sets you upgrade to aren’t necessarily better than what you previously had. Instead, you should learn which weapons are available at each level and how much XP you need to get there, so you can always have the guns you feel most comfortable with. XP is cumulative, so it doesn’t go away when you upgrade. Here is every weapon set at every level and how much XP you need:

Level 1: Disruptor and MK50 Sidekick – base levelLevel 2: Disruptor and Mangler – 100 XPLevel 3: Mangler and MA40 Assault Rifle – 300 XPLevel 4: Commando and MA40 Assault Rifle – 650 XPLevel 5: CQS48 Bulldog and Commando – 1150 XPLevel 6: BR75 and CQS48 Bulldog – 1850 XP (max level)

Looking at the list of loadouts, it’s clear that there are some places where personal preference is going to come into play. Considering that Last Spartan Standing is played on a large map, the MK50 Sidekick works as a better ranged weapon than the Mangler. If you’re like me, you also don’t care much for the Commando and may want to hold out on leveling up until it comes with the shotgun.

Last Spartan Standing tips

While most Last Spartan Standing matches will be determined by which of the two final remaining players is more skilled, there are a few tips to keep in mind to help you make it to the final few players.

The first is to play cautiously. Now, I’m not going to condone camping here because that’s not a very fun strategy–plus you’ll struggle to upgrade your guns if you don’t get in on the action yourself–but I am going to suggest you make smart choices about when to engage. Halo Infinite can be a very aggressive shooter, with players rushing each other frequently. The reason that doesn’t work here is because the winner is determined by whoever can not die six times. It doesn’t really matter if you rush in and get 6 or 7 kills, if you get eliminated super early. The smart thing to do is look for two players fighting each other you can ambush and avoid being in the middle of a firefight.

The next tip is about the bonus XP drops that appear around the map. These are dropped whenever players are eliminated from the match and are typically worth 300 XP. That’s the equivalent of three kills, so it can be useful in getting you to the max weapon level. The important thing to know is that bonus XP drops take roughly five seconds to pick up. If you were hoping to snag these quickly, that’s not going to happen. You need to make sure you are clear to pick them up, especially if the player died in an open area.

The last tip is to look out for drop pods. The weapon pods, similar to the ones that drop in Big Team Battle, always contain one of two things, either active camo or overshields. These pods drop pretty frequently, and as there are fewer players later in the match, there can be a bunch left around. Having either one of these will give you a massive advantage over another player, so it’s important to seek them out whenever you can.

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About James Carr

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