Halo: MCC's New Beta Test For Unreleased Halo 3 Map, Mouse And Keyboard Support, Has Been Delayed Slightly

A number of exciting new features and pieces of content are coming to Halo: The Master Chief Collection–like a brand-new map and mouse and keyboard support on console–but fans will have to wait a little while longer to try them out.

343 Industries’ Tyler Davis said on Twitter that the planned beta test–or “flight”–has been delayed. It was previously scheduled to potentially begin on February 18, but the studio has encountered some “blocker” issues, and as such, the team is taking extra time to make sure the beta is smooth when it releases to the public. The new target date for the beta test will be sometime next week. The studio will share more details today, February 19.

The February beta test for Halo: MCC is planned to feature a lot of exciting content, including a new map for Halo 3 that was originally only available in the canceled free-to-play Halo Online, along with the new Custom Game Browser and mouse and keyboard support on console. You can see the full rundown of planned beta content below.

Halo: MCC February Beta Test Content

Custom Game Browser: a new way to play with each other in MCCSeason 6 contentA new map for Halo 3 from Halo OnlineFOV slider support for all Xbox One consolesFOV slider will no longer be locked when Xbox Series X|S devices are set to 120hzDouble KeybindingsMouse & Keyboard support for consolesAdvanced Audio optionsView Model Customization options

If you want to have a shot at testing out the new Halo 3 map for MCC, along with the rest of the content, you’ll need to register for a free Halo Insider account and then hope you are chosen for the beta. This is also the program through which 343 will select beta testers for Halo Infinite, so Halo fans may want to sign up sooner rather than later.

In other Halo news, 343 just announced a huge amount of information about Halo Infinite, covering weapons vehicles, post-launch support, and lots more.

About Eddie Makuch

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