Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Has Reportedly Made $300 Million So Far

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, a mobile RPG set in the famous wizarding universe, has been a big success for Jam City thus far, reportedly taking in about $300 million since it was first released three years ago. The free-to-play game’s revenue came entirely from microtransactions, and though it appeared to be slowing down a bit in terms of usage in its second year, players’ spending seems to have increased over the last year. And perhaps most amazingly, as of late, it isn’t even the best-performing Harry Potter game.

According to the app data site Sensor Tower, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery managed to take in $100 million in its first nine months, but it would take another 16 months before it doubled that figure. Since May 2020, it has made another $100 million, possibly because players have had less to do during the pandemic.

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Now Playing: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery – Official Launch Trailer

Those numbers for the last year put Hogwarts Mystery as the top game in the simulator adventure category, which also includes Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, but it actually still fell a little short of Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells’ revenue over the last two quarters. Both seem to have been much more lucrative than Wizards Unite, the AR-based game from Pokemon Go creator Niantic. Given that such a game is based on going outside, that’s not a big surprise right now.

The Harry Potter license remains wildly popular despite the controversy surrounding author JK Rowling. The prequel game Hogwarts Legacy is planned to release in 2022 without her direct involvement, and a third Fantastic Beasts film is also scheduled to arrive next year. Hogwarts Legacy will be a full-fledged open-world game set in the 19th century, and it’s in development at Disney Infinity studio Avalanche Software. It looks to be the customizable Harry Potter RPG fans have wanted for years, though it remains to be seen if it lives up to their expectations.

About Gabe Gurwin

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