After being announced at The Game Awards in 2019, there’s been very little news about the “reborn” Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us 2. Now, a new feature in Game Informer on the long-awaited sequel is shedding some light on new key details about the game.
The new details have been teased thanks to a Game Informer feature on the newly-reformed Telltale Games. A few key points about The Wolf Among Us 2 have been revealed on Twitter, including more details on the game’s setting. Like the first game, The Wolf Among Us 2 will be set before the Fables comic books the series is based on, with the sequel taking place six months after the events of the original.
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Now Playing: The Wolf Among Us 2 – Official Announcement Teaser Trailer | TGA 2019
This timeline will place the game in winter, the report reads, with the game taking place “all over New York.”
Where Telltale has previously said that pre-production for the game started in late 2019, it’s now been confirmed that The Wolf Among Us 2 is in full production, with a final script in hand and mocap now underway. As previously reported in the studio’s end of 2021 update, the team has switched to Unreal Engine for the sequel, which has streamlined the development process.
All that has previously been revealed about the game is that the new team at Telltale has started from scratch with The Wolf Among Us 2, rather than building on the game that was already in progress by the original Telltale team. Early reports have also suggested that both Adam Harrington (Bigby Wolf) and Erin Yvette (Snow White) will return to reprise their voice roles, and that the game will release on PC via Epic Games Store, as well as consoles.
Telltale Games is now also working on a game based on The Expanse, which is being developed in collaboration with Deck Nine Games, the team behind Life Is Strange: True Colors.
Despite the good news about one of Telltale’s most beloved games, the continuation is bittersweet for some thanks to the studio’s convoluted history and the extensive layoffs experienced by developers who were part of the original Telltale studio. After shuttering in late 2018, the studio was acquired by LCG Entertainment, which resurrected the Telltale brand and is behind the two new games in development.