Here's A New Look At GhostWire: Tokyo On PS5, Shown During The PlayStation Showcase

Bethesda is now a first-party Microsoft studio, but its upcoming game GhostWire: Tokyo is still coming to PS5 as a console exclusive. The game was featured during PlayStation Showcase 2021, and we got to see more of how Tango Gameworks plans to inject spooky elements into a supernatural action-adventure game.

The trailer showed a number of spooky ghosts, from headless high school students who attack in groups, to small white ghosts based on teru teru bozu weather charms that look like something a child would make. It also included a look at some of the story elements from the upcoming game, including the masked antagonists, led by Hannaya and his acolytes. You will need to solve the mystery of what happened while avoiding and defeating the supernatural enemies roaming the streets using the power of Ethereal Weaving, a power that attunes with spiritual energy.

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Now Playing: Ghostwire Tokyo Trailer | Playstation Showcase 2021

GhostWire: Tokyo is scheduled to launch in 2022 for PS5 and PC. Given the acquisition was made after the PlayStation exclusivity deal was put in place, it is likely the last game Tango Gameworks releases for PlayStation.

About Gabe Gurwin

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