Here's A Sneak Peek At Valheim's New Food System With Hearth & Home Update

Iron Gate Studios provided a sneak peek at some of the new changes that will be coming to Valheim and its food system as part of its upcoming Hearth & Home update. This overhaul is meant to balance health vs stamina to allow players to be more creative and versatile in their playstyles.

Currently, eating food provides your character the same amount of stamina as it does health. But in Hearth & Home, food will now be split into three categories, based on whether a piece of food replenishes health or stamina. A red icon means that a piece of food will restore mostly health, while yellow indicates stamina. A white icon means both health and stamina will restore evenly.

The food bar will now be replaced with timers so that you can more accurately see how much time you have left before you need to each more. Food icons will still start blinking when they’re halfway depleted.

Iron Gate will go more in-depth later about how this new food system will affect the minute-to-minute gameplay. But broadly speaking, in order to build out your base and terraform, you’ll want to eat food that will provide you with enough stamina to keep building. However, make sure you also have enough health so that you can survive a plunge if you accidentally end up falling to your death. During battles, you’ll most likely opt for more health or stamina, based on your preferred combat style.

Valheim is currently available right now on PC through Steam Early Access. The Hearth & Home update is currently on track for a Q3 release this year.

About George Yang

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