Here's Everything Coming To Pokemon Go In August

Niantic has laid out its plans for Pokemon Go’s August content update, including Pokemon Go Fest: Sapporo, the return of Zacian and Zamazenta, and more.

Pokemon Go players based in Japan can now book tickets for Pokemon Go Fest: Sapporo, which is being held on August 7. The event kicks off at 8 AM JST, starting off in Nakajima Park, before moving on to other areas of the city.

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The blog post outlining the August content updates notes that fans can stay tuned for more details regarding Pokemon Go Fest 2022: Finale, which is taking place August 27.

August Community Day is being held in the middle of the month, August 13, where Galarian Zigzagoo will appear in the wild, which was outlined earlier this month. And if you’re lucky, you might be able to catch a shiny one.

There are a couple of events to look forward to, the first Being Bug Out! which runs from August 10-16. Here Bug-type Pokemon will obviously be found aplenty. Then later on in the month, an in-game celebration is taking place over the fact that Pokemon Go will be taking part in the 2022 Pokemon World Championships for the first time. This event runs from August 18-23, with more details coming at a later date.

Some new anti-cheat methods are being put into place too, first outlined last month. Niantic plans to ramp up enforcement against cheating across all of its games, and have already started taking action against a number of accounts.

You can expect more raids through August too, with the first five-star raid featuring Palkia, starting this Sunday, July 31, until August 10. Genesect will be available from August 10-18, and it’s noted that it will have a different Drive than in previous appearances. And lastly Zacian and Zamazenta will be available to catch from August 18-31, all of which have a chance of being shiny.

In terms of Mega Raids, from July 31 to August 10 Mega Abomasnow will be the first available critter to have the chance to catch. Currently the Mega Pokemon available to catch from August 10-18, so keep an eye out for what it ends up being. Then Mega Slowbro is available from August 18-25, and lastly Mega Ampharos is available from August 25-31, again all of which has a chance to be shiny.

For the entire month of August, Galarian Stunfisk will appear as a Research Breakthrough encounter. And every Tuesday, from 6 PM to 7 PM local time, a different Pokemon will be spotlighted that has a special bonus, which are:

August 2: Hisuian Voltorb, 2x Stardust for catching PokemonAugust 9: Nidoran♀, 2x XP for catching PokemonAugust 16: Joltik, 2x Candy for catching PokémonAugust 23: Nidoran♂, 2x Candy for transferring PokémonAugust 30: Pidove, 2x XP for evolving Pokémon

Lastly, language selection will be rolling out for everyone, regardless of the language used in your device, which includes:

EnglishFrenchGermanItalianJapaneseKoreanPortuguese (Brazilian)RussianSpanishThaiTurkishTraditional ChineseThe Best Cards We Pulled From The Pokemon TCG Pokemon Go ExpansionSee More

About Oisin Kuhnke

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