Here's What The Bloodborne Gascoigne Fight Would Look Like On PS1

Bloodborne PSX takes the PS4-exclusive action-RPG and turns it into an original PlayStation game, complete with primitive 3D graphics, heavy scanlines, and the slightly fuzzy audio that defined Sony’s first console. The fan-made project isn’t complete yet, but its development team has released a new video showing off the iconic Father Gascoigne fight. If you thought it was hard in 1080p, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Beginning with the same cutscene–albeit as a “demake”–as the PS4 version, the footage clearly isn’t just run through some sort of PS1 filter. Instead, we see classic retro-style blood effects and completely redone characters and environments. Though the dialogue sounds like it’s still the original voice actors, the effect put over the recording resembles the low-fidelity audio of the original PlayStation.

The basic flow of combat is the same, with blood vials and bullets still visible alongside the health and stamina bars, and the Insight system is even represented on the retro UI. What could make the game even harder than trying to play it on an original PlayStation controller (is it even possible without a DualShock?) is the 4:3 aspect ratio, along with the CRT filter giving it such heavy scanlines that it’s harder to make sense of what is happening.

Lock-on is still present in the build, as is the Visceral Attack system after parrying an enemy. In this case, a rotating button icon pops up above Father Gascoigne’s head, much like you’d see collectibles do in classic 3D platformers.

To top things off, he still transforms into his beast form in this fight, too, destroying obstacles and rushing the player before killing him. Could a Bloodborne demo end any other way? For more of the demake, check out developer Lilith Walther’s YouTube channel.

Bloodborne studio From Software is currently developing Elden Ring, which will launch on January 21, 2022 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and PC.

About Gabe Gurwin

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