Bethesda and Tango Gameworks have pushed out an update for Hi-Fi Rush that includes a brand-new photo mode for the game. It is available now.
Players are able to use filters and presets to spruce up their own photos, as well as adjust Chai’s posing and facial features. Other allies can be brought into the pictures and positioned too in order to get group shots. However, only characters that have been unlocked in the story at that point can be chosen for the pictures.
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It’s also worth noting that if Chai is in the middle of a jump when photo mode is activated, players won’t be able to adjust his pose or bring in other characters. His facial expressions can still be changed, though. Overlay frames are available too, such as classic comic book panels and dynamic action lines.
Players can access photo mode from the pause menu at any time during gameplay except for a few instances, such as cutscenes, in-game dialogue scenes with standing NPCs, locations with a fixed-camera perspective, and sections where the player isn’t in control of Chai.
In GameSpot’s Hi-Fi Rush review, we said, “It feeds on the power of nostalgia by evoking games like Jet Set Radio and Viewtiful Joe with its old-school vibes and contagious energy, but it’s also completely fresh and exciting in its own right.”
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