Hideo Kojima Continues To Tease New Game With "How Come" Teaser

Hideo Kojima has released another short and sweet cryptic teaser for his new game. This time, it’s a black and white image with the words, “How come?” Previous teasers include a photo of actress Shioli Kutsuna with the question, “Where am I?” plastered in the middle, and an Elle Fanning photo with the words, “Who am I?”

It’s still entirely unclear if this game is a sequel to Death Stranding–as some players think due to the thin, straight “strands” that appear in the teasers–or if it’s a completely new game.

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Kojima has been rolling out teasers slowly, and people speculate that we could see meatier, more fleshed-out info about his next game at good friend Geoff Keighley’s The Game Awards event in December.

In another cryptic statement, Kojima said that one of his upcoming games is “almost like a new medium.” This mysterious game was previously, he said, not possible due to limitations of technology, but is now in the works. Or is it? Who really knows? Kojima didn’t elaborate. In the same interview, he emphasized he’d like to keep being that “first” person who succeeds in a new medium (as opposed to the second or third person who succeeds commercially.)

Whether or not this revolutionary game is the same one as the one Elle Fanning and Shioli Kutsuna is unknown at this time.

Every Metal Gear Game Hideo Kojima Didn’t Direct: Survive, Rising, And MoreSee More

About Jenny Zheng

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