Hideo Kojima Isn't Involved In The Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake, Konami Confirms

With a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater officially in development, fans have been wondering if series creator Hideo Kojima is involved in its development. Unsurprisingly, the legendary game director won’t be making any contributions to the development of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, and his frequent artistic collaborator Yoji Shinkawa isn’t involved with this production either.

“They are not involved,” a Konami spokesperson said to IGN. “However, the development team will work hard to create this remake and also the ports–for Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection–so that they can be enjoyed on multiple platforms by even more players all around the world.”

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Now Playing: METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER | Announcement Trailer | ESRB

As for the development team, Konami says that the “central role” will be handled by Konami developers who have been “involved in the production of the past games in the Metal Gear series,” and they’ll be working alongside Virtuos, a studio that has also been involved in the production of previous entries in the Metal Gear series.

Kojima’s non-involvement with Metal Gear Solid Delta isn’t surprising, as during the development of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, he left Konami and the company began to distance itself from him. Konami even went so far as to block him from accepting an award in person for The Phantom Pain at The Game Awards in 2015.

While Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater doesn’t have a release date yet, you can read up on everything that we know about the game so far. Or you can check out why GameSpot’s Tamoor Hussain and Lucy James are concerned about it, in a new episode of Spot On.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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