Hitman 3 Dartmoor Case File Guide: How To Find The Arthur Edwards Intel

Hitman 3‘s second mission, set in Dartmoor, has the usual objective: Find a way to assassinate a particular target without anyone knowing. But it also carries a secondary requirement for Agent 47, asking you to locate a case file about Arthur Edwards, Hitman 3’s primary antagonist. Getting that file requires as intricate a solution as taking out an assassination target, but you can’t complete Dartmoor without it.

Luckily, there are multiple ways to snag the Case File in Dartmoor, so you have plenty of options. Here’s a rundown of all the ways you can find the Case File in Dartmoor and what you’ll need to do to get it.

Be sure to check out the rest of our Hitman 3 coverage, including our Hitman 3 review, complete guides on finding all the Dartmoor murdery mystery clues and murder mystery solutions, and guides for the rest of Hitman 3’s missions, as well.

Solution 1: Complete The Murder Mystery

If you’re already working through Dartmoor’s murder mystery to get close to your assassination target, Alexa Carlisle, you can get the Arthur Edwards Case File along the way. You’ll need to complete the Means, Motive and Opportunity Mission Story to get access to the case file this way, but the good news is, if you solve the case, you can request the file as your payment.

To kick off the murder mystery, tail the private detective as he enters the mansion. The best place to grab him is when he moves into the hallway near the Trophy Room, which you can enter through a window. From there, find all the clues in Zachary Carlisle’s room, locate all the clues in Emma and Gregory’s room, find the muddy footprints clue on the terrace outside the sitting room, and check the Greenhouse for clues. That should give you enough evidence to lock down one of the three solutions for the case.

When you’ve got enough evidence, meet with Fernsby the butler, who will lead you to Alexa to present your findings. Once you’ve done that, you can request the Case File as your payment. With it in hand, you’re free to assassinate Alexa as you see fit and end the mission.

Note that you can get the Case File for any of the three completions of the mystery. For a complete rundown of all the possible solutions, check out our Hitman 3 Murder Mystery guide.

Solution 2: Track Down The Tokens

You don’t technically have to get the Case File from inside Thornbridge Manor in Dartmoor, so long as you can find the means to get it outside of the mission. There’s a copy of the file kept in a safe deposit box in a bank in New York (in fact, it’s one of the DLC mission locations in Hitman 2) where Agent 47 can acquire the Arthur Edwards file. To get it, you need two special tokens, however, and each one is carried by a different person.

If you eavesdrop on Fernsby talking to Alexa, the two bodyguards outside the mansion near the staff rooms, or Rebecca Carlisle, you’ll get the skinny on the tokens. One is held by Rebecca and the other by Fernsby. You need both of them to complete the objective.

To get the tokens, you essentially just need to knock out both characters without alerting anyone. This is a little bit easier said than done, though–Rebecca hangs out in the Trophy Room with several other characters, while Fernsby roves the entire mansion. Both are tough to get alone.

How To Get Rebecca’s Token

The easiest way to get Rebecca on her own is with poison. Find a Mansion Staff uniform and head to the kitchen and staff area. You’ll find rat poison on one of the shelves in the staff room. Take it to the Trophy Room; with this uniform, you should be able to poison a water bottle on the table that also holds some various documents without alarming anyone.

Hang around for a few minutes and Rebecca will eventually take a drink and get sick. Follow Rebecca to the nearby bathroom and you can incapacitate her and hide her body. Check the ground for the token, which will drop where you knocked her out.

How To Get Fernsby’s Token

Fernsby wanders the first and second floors of the mansion, and it can be tough to isolate him because of this. He’ll also recognize you in certain disguises, which can make it tough to get close to him.

The best way to lure him off into a corner, it seems, is to trigger a vacuum cleaner distraction along his patrol route. There’s a handy one right under one of the staircases that leads to the second floor. When Fernsby heads down to the foyer, hit the vacuum under the staircase and wait for him to come deal with it. This distraction has the added benefit of not triggering the two bodyguards who stand nearby.

Knock Fernsby out under the stairs and drop him in the conveniently placed trunk right beside the vacuum. That’ll get you his token.

Solution 3: Crack The Safe

There’s one more direct route to get the Case File–you can take it out of Alexa Carlisle’s safe without dealing with her. To do that, you need to get up to her third-floor office, which you can accomplish by scaling pipes and ledges outside the mansion, or by sneaking up to the third floor with the right clothes. If you’re going all the way up, you’ll need either the Mansion Staff disguise or the Bodyguard disguise, but be wary of taking the stairs, as multiple vigilant characters stand between you and the office.

It’s best to get into the office while Alexa Carlisle is elsewhere. You might want to fix the problems of either the Undertaker or Photographer, or both, which will lure Alexa out to deal with those characters. To send her to the Undertaker, use a gun (preferably silenced) to shoot the bird nests out of the trees beside the gravesite. To send her to the Photographer, locate a fuse and put it in the electrical box that’s connected to the camera. You can find a fuse either in the hallway beside the Butler’s Office or take one from the electrical box near the mansion’s outside staircase.

With Alexa gone, you’re free to sneak into her office. In most cases, there’s just one guard on the floor of the room, on the left side near Alexa’s private room. In some disguises, he’ll recognize you, so use a coin or something to distract him and take him out. You’ll want him gone so you can wander around the room regardless. Drag him into the private room to hide him; you can go all the way through into the hidden passage to find a box to dump him in.

Now head to Alexa’s office chair and press the button (there are more guards nearby but they should be outside and facing away from you). That’ll reveal the safe hidden behind a portrait beside the chair. Check the safe and you’ll see four icons above the code screen: a clock, a telescope, a moose, and a fire. These correspond to objects around the room, and if you investigate each one closely, you’ll find the safe code numbers. Or you can skip that part and just put in the code: 1975.

The code opens the safe and you can steal the file from Alexa without even talking to her.

About Phil Hornshaw

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