Hitman 3 Was One Of The PS Store's Top Downloaded Games In January

Sony has unveiled the top downloaded games during January across the PlayStation Store. Hitman 3 is the only new release to sneak its way into the charts, despite launching later in the month.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War made a strong showing in both North America and Europe, settling into the top three in both regions on PlayStation 5–plus number one in the PlayStation 4 charts. Season One of Activision’s latest shooter kicked off earlier in the month, adding new maps, weapons, game modes, and a season pass. Call of Duty: Warzone occupies second place for free-to-play games.

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Now Playing: Hitman 3 Review

FIFA 21 takes the top spot in Europe ahead of Hitman 3, but Agent 47’s latest outing comes in second place in both regions. The rest of the PS5 chart is mostly made up of newer games, while there are plenty of mainstays in the PS4 charts with the likes of Grand Theft Auto V and Minecraft.

You can see the full January roundup over on the PlayStation Blog. Here are the top downloaded PS5 games in North America during January:

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold WarHitman 3Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles MoralesMadden NFL 21NBA 2K21Assassin’s Creed ValhallaFIFA 21Demon’s SoulsMortal Kombat 11Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six SiegeSackboy: A Big AdventureImmortals Fenyx RisingGodfallNo Man’s SkyWatch Dogs: LegionDead By Daylight: Special EditionBorderlands 3Devil May Cry 5 Special EditionDirt 5Temtem

Hitman 3 received a score of 9/10 in GameSpot’s Hitman 3 review. “What’s good about Hitman–its level design and the creativity, experimentation, and exploration that affords–is great in Hitman 3,” said critic Phil Hornshaw. “It closes out the trilogy by brilliantly playing off everything that came before it, making use of and then subverting expectations, and rewarding players for their willingness to master the complexity of both its individual levels and the series as a whole.”

Developer IO Interactive recently revealed Hitman 3’s content roadmap for February, which adds ninja gear, elusive targets, and more.

About Richard Wakeling

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