Hogwarts Legacy Dominates Q1 2023 Game Sales

Hogwarts Legacy was the top-earning PC game in the United States and in the UK during 2023’s first quarter, generating more revenue than any other title.

This comes by way of a Newzoo report, which features a list of the top revenue drivers of the first quarter. According to the report, Hogwarts Legacy was also the top PlayStation game in the US during Q1. Keep in mind, these stats all pertain to revenue generated, not the number of copies sold.

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Elsewhere on the list was Sons of the Forest, a survival game developed by Endnight Games. The 2023 remake of Dead Space also performed well, along with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (and Warzone 2 by extension).

Since this breakdown accounts for revenue generated, many free-to-play live-service games were included as well, such as Fortnite, The Sims 4, Fortnite, and Destiny 2. Though, premium titles like FIFA 23 still made a splash in the UK.

The full lists of top games across the US and UK are as follows:

Top 10 US Games By Revenue (PC)

Hogwarts LegacySons of the ForestValorantDead Space (2023)The Sims 4League of LegendsROBLOXCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 / Warzone 2FortniteDestiny 2

Top 10 UK Games By Revenue (PC)

Hogwarts LegacyValorantSons of the ForestFIFA 23League of LegendsThe Sims 4ROBLOXDead Space (2023)FortniteCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 / Warzone 2

Hogwarts Legacy is developed by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been embroiled in controversy due to transphobic remarks from Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not personally involved with its development, she stands to profit from its success. For more, read our in-depth article on how Rowling’s comments have impacted the trans community. In this article, you will also find links to trans creators you can support, as well as charities you can donate to.

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About Joseph Yaden

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