Hogwarts Legacy – How To Climb The Battlements In The High Keep

The High Keep is a main quest in Hogwarts Legacy. In it, you’ll have to venture into a seemingly abandoned fort, just so you could rescue a friendly creature that you met earlier in the campaign. Our Hogwarts Legacy The High Keep guide discusses how to climb the battlements and so you can rescue the Hippogriff.

Climbing the battlements of The High Keep

The High Keep quest in Hogwarts Legacy is given by your classmate Natty. It should become available halfway through the “Prepare For Your Search For The Final Keeper” chapter, which is essentially the autumn season in terms of campaign progression. Track the quest and head to the marked location northeast of Hogsmeade.

Your first task in Hogwarts Legacy’s The High Keep mission is to climb the battlements. Here’s the gist:

Destroy the wooden barricade and push the device with Depulso.Then, cast Wingardium Leviosa on the crate. Place it under the ruined section of the battlements wall.Target the crate and cast Levioso. This will allow you to clamber on top of it to grab onto the ledge.

Next up, you’ll need to open the gatehouse:

Destroy the wooden barricade and target the block. Spam Depulso on it so that it gets pushed further away. This will let you crawl through the opening.In the gatehouse, cast Depulso on the device repeatedly to fully raise the gate.Once you see the handle, immediately cast Accio to pull it.

This is followed by a cutscene where you and Natty see Highwing getting attacked by poachers:

Continue up the ramparts until you see a crate in a nook. Use Depulso to push it down the opening.Head to the open area off to the side. Cast Wingardium Leviosa to place the crate in the gap.Use Levioso to lift it higher. This lets you jump across the gap.

At the ramparts, you’ll notice several hostiles. You can go in wands blazing or attempt to take them out stealthily. If you choose the latter, you can activate stealth by casting Disillusionment. Then, cast Depulso on an enemy that’s close to the edge. They should get pushed off to their doom.

If other enemies detect your presence but your stealth is still active, you can move to the side. While investigating, crouch-walk behind them to instantly take them out with Petrificus Totalus.

Then, at the end of this section, a couple of assassins will ambush you. Since they’re likely standing on the edge of the battlements, you can push them off with Depulso as well.

Inside the tower, you’ll notice a door with a level 2 lock. Assuming you’ve upgraded Alohomora by collecting Demiguise Moons, you should be able to open the door. Inside, you’ll encounter some Puffskeins and Nifflers. You can use the Nab-Sack to bring them to your animal mounts in the game. One of these is the Thestral, which becomes available if you own the Dark Arts Pack.

Hogwarts Legacy is developed by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been embroiled in controversy due to transphobic remarks from Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not personally involved with its development, she stands to profit from its success. For more, read our in-depth article on how Rowling’s comments have impacted the trans community. In this article, you will also find links to trans creators you can support, as well as charities you can donate to.

About Jason Rodriguez

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