Hogwarts Legacy – How To Catch Shiny Beasts

The Hogwarts Legacy Shiny Beasts (or shiny animals) are rarer varieties that you can discover while exploring. While most of the magical creatures that you find are fairly normal and common, you certainly want to keep your eyes peeled for those with unique coloration or patterns. Our Hogwarts Legacy Shiny Beasts guide teaches you how to catch these rare creatures for your Vivarium.

How to get Shiny Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy

The trick to getting a Shiny Beast in Hogwarts Legacy is making them spawn in the first place. This is completely random, and it can be quite a hassle. We also encourage you to check out our Vivarium guide, which explains the general mechanics for this function in the Room of Requirement.

In any case, your best bet if you want to find a Shiny Beast is to do the following:

Find a type of Beast that you want to capture and go to its den. Normally, you won’t see a Shiny at all.Even if a Shiny isn’t there, go ahead and catch a few of them. For instance, Puffskein and Mooncalf dens tend to have four or more animals lounging around.After getting a few or even all of them, open your map and press the button prompt to change the day-night cycle (i.e., “F” key for PC players).Then, save your game manually.Click on Restart From Last Save.

The day-night cycle, plus save-reload trick is a way to force the game to repopulate an area with creatures if any are missing. As such, the animals that you caught earlier have a chance to respawn as Shiny Beasts.

What do Shiny Beasts look like?

So, how exactly do you differentiate the Hogwarts Legacy Shiny Beasts from regular variants? For the most part, they’ll have a star icon on their nameplate. Moreover, they tend to be of a different color altogether. For example, most Puffskeins are grey, brown, black, or red. The Shiny Puffskein, meanwhile, has white fur.

Apart from seeing the icons on their nameplates, you could also open your Inventory: Magical Beasts tab to see if any animal you caught is a Shiny. Also, while it’s possible to breed animals in the game, we’ve yet to see a Shiny variant of an offspring.

Potential problems

Last but not least, the trick noted above works for all Beast Dens in the game. However, it might be tough to get Shiny Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy for the following types:

Unicorn – There’s only one Unicorn Den in the game, and only one of this creature spawns at any given time. We did get lucky, as you can see on the featured image. The Shiny variant is golden brown in color.Phoenix – The Phoenix that you can tame is one of a kind. There won’t be another spawn even if you return to its cave.Graphorn – The Graphorn does respawn in its den. However, you need to defeat it in battle before you can capture it with your Nab-sack.

Hogwarts Legacy is developed by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been embroiled in controversy due to transphobic remarks from Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not personally involved with its development, she stands to profit from its success. For more, read our in-depth article on how Rowling’s comments have impacted the trans community. In this article, you will also find links to trans creators you can support, as well as charities you can donate to.

About Jason Rodriguez

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