Hogwarts Legacy Door Puzzle Guide

You might be wondering how to solve Symbol Door Puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy. There’s a good chance that you’ll stumble upon these as you’re exploring the castle, and they can easily stump you if you’re not aware of how to decipher the clues. Don’t worry, since we’ve got you covered. Our Hogwarts Legacy Symbol Door Puzzles guide uses two early-game examples and explains what the drawings stand for, as well as how you can come up with a solution.

How to solve the Symbol Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

When you spot a Symbol Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll notice the following:

Numerical equivalents – While exploring the Divination Tower, you’ll come across one of these puzzles. There’s a chest nearby that contains a note showing animal symbols and their equivalent number.Animals – Several outlines of animals and odd creatures are etched on the door’s arch. These correspond to the aforementioned numbers–zero to nine–arranged clockwise from bottom-left to bottom-right.Diagram equation – If you interact with the door, you’ll reveal the diagram itself, which is actually an equation. Basically, the symbols/numbers on the outside must add up to the number in the center.Symbol rolls – Just beside or near the door, you’ll see question marks with the “Roll” action. These correspond to the question marks seen in the diagram (i.e., “?” is part of the top equation and “??” is part of the bottom equation).

Charms Classroom Puzzle

The Hogwarts Legacy Symbol Door Puzzle you see below is the one found in the lounge just outside the Charms Classroom. It may be the first one you discover while playing, so we’ll use it as an example. The two equations and solutions are:

Top: 3 + 0 + ? = 5; that means “?” is the elephant creature.Bottom: 4 + unicorn (1) + ?? = 12; you need 7, which is the squid creature.

Once you’ve “rolled” or selected the correct animals for the circles, you’ll be able to open the door. There’s a chest here that rewards you with a rare quality gear piece. In our case, we obtained the Stylish Blazer School Uniform (rare).

Central Hall Puzzle

Here’s another example of the Hogwarts Legacy Symbol Door Puzzle. This one is found in the Central Hall next to the passage leading to the Transfiguration Courtyard.

For the diagram, you’ll see:

Top: 11 + elephant (2) + ? = 21; you need an 8, which corresponds to the spider.Bottom: Crab (5) + anemone (9) + ?? = 17; that means the Hydra since it’s considered number 3.

The “?” is beside the door itself. Meanwhile, the “??” orb is on a landing just above that.

Once you solve this Hogwarts Legacy Symbol Door Puzzle, you can grab a rare quality item from the chest. In our experience, we got the Ceramic Mask (rare). Be on the lookout for others since they also offer nifty rewards.

Hogwarts Legacy is developed by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been embroiled in controversy due to transphobic remarks from Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not personally involved with its development, she stands to profit from its success. For more, read our in-depth article on how Rowling’s comments have impacted the trans community. In this article you will also find links to trans creators you can support, as well as charities you can donate to.

About Jason Rodriguez

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