Horizon Forbidden West Not Guaranteed To Launch In 2021

One of Sony’s next big exclusives, Horizon Forbidden West, is not guaranteed to release on schedule in 2021. PlayStation Studios boss Hermen Hulst said in an interview on the PlayStation Blog that Forbidden West should release this holiday, but it’s not certain.

“For Horizon, we think we are on track to release this holiday season. But that isn’t quite certain yet, and we’re working as hard as we can to confirm that to you as soon as we can,” Hulst said.

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Now Playing: Horizon Forbidden West Gameplay Reveal | State of Play

Developer Guerrilla Games just showed off more than 10 minutes of new gameplay footage from Forbidden West, and it looked really good, but that doesn’t mean the game is ready to go out the door.

Hulst’s quote above is all he had to say on the matter–the developer itself has not commented on the situation. There could be any number of reasons why Forbidden West might not make it out on time in 2021.

Whenever it’s released, Forbidden West will be available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Another high-profile PlayStation game, the new God of War sequel, has a more definitive fate. Sony has pushed the Sony Santa Monica-developed game out to 2022. Additionally, Hulst confirmed in the blog post that Days Gone studio Sony Bend is making a new IP.

About Eddie Makuch

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