Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 Remake/Remaster And Multiplayer Spin-Off Reportedly In Development

Horizon Zero Dawn could be getting a significant upgrade, as a new report claims that “accessibility features, graphics modes, and quality of life improvements to the gameplay itself,” will bring Guerrilla Games’ 2017 title up to the same similar standard as its 2022 sequel Horizon Forbidden West.

As spotted by MP1st and corroborated by VGC, new character models, lighting, and animations will reportedly be added alongside a suite of accessibility options, essentially balancing between being both a remake and a remaster in the process. Several of these upgrades can be found in the PC version of Horizon Zero Dawn that was released in 2020, although that game mostly reused the same assets as the PS4 edition.

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According to the report, Guerrilla Games is also currently working on a Horizon multiplayer game for PS5 and PC. Co-op features had been planned for Zero Dawn as far back as 2014 according to VGC’s sources, but these elements were scrapped so that other areas of the game could be focused on. The idea hasn’t been entirely scrapped for the mainline series and could make its way into Horizon 3.

Sony is also expanding the series into other forms of media, and with a Horizon TV show headed to Netflix, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see some sort of announcement from the gaming side of the series. This could be a similar situation to The Last of Us Part 1 which arrived ahead of the HBO Max live-action series.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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