How Long Is The Ghost Of Tsushima: Iki Island Expansion?

Ghost of Tsushima‘s Iki Island expansion is now available to purchase for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, and you may be wondering exactly how long this new add-on content could last in comparison to the base game.

The short answer is three hours. The more nuanced one is it depends on your playstyle, as Iki Island lasts anywhere from a couple to a couple dozen hours if you’re trying to do and see everything.

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Now Playing: Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island Expansion Review

In our Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island expansion review, editor Phil Hornshaw wrote that you could finish the DLC in “just a handful of hours” if you mainline the quest. To be precise, the add-on’s storyline runs about three hours in total. Completing all the side missions pushes that runtime up to approximately 10 hours. Meanwhile, trying to track down all the collectibles and completing all the additional quests extends Iki Island to almost 15 hours in length.

It’s possible you could spend longer on the island, especially if you’re looking to unlock a trophy for discovering all the Unwritten Tales. Hornshaw said he has put roughly 23 hours into the expansion and still has not gotten that trophy despite completing the myriad of content found on Iki Island.

In comparison, Ghost of Tsushima takes nearly 25 hours to finish the main campaign, according to How Long To Beat. Tacking on extras, like side quests and other activities, stretches that length to about 44 hours. If you’re a competitionist, vanilla Ghost of Tsushima has nearly 60 hours of content.

Ghost of Tsushima’s Iki Island expansion is included in the game’s Director’s Cut, which retails for $60 for new players on PS4 and $70 on PS5. Players who already own the game can pick up the additional content separately in the $20 Director’s Cut Upgrade. In either case, the Director’s Cut version of the game contains the Iki Island expansion, along with a digital artbook and other content.

About jeremy winslow

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