How Long Is Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is Team Ninja’s newest soulslike outing, bringing the company’s trademark challenge and flair to a tale based in ancient China. With winding levels filled to the brim with demons, punishing bosses who can snuff you out in just a hit or two, and an abundance of gear to grind for and upgrade, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will certainly keep you busy for many, many hours. If you’d like to know just how long it’ll take you to make your way through, though, we’ve got the answer here.

How long is Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

Completing the campaign in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will average around 25 hours. That being said, genre veterans with considerable knowledge of how these types of games play may be able to work through it a bit quicker, while those trying their hands at a soulslike for the first time could find that it takes them even longer.

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Now Playing: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty – Story Trailer

Completionists, meanwhile, can expect to spend at least 5-10 additional hours beating any skipped side missions and wrapping up the extra requirements for obtaining all of the Trophies or Achievements in the game. This includes finding various types of collectibles, fully upgrading armor and weapons, engaging in some cooperative play, and doing a few miscellaneous tasks.

Those looking to extend their time with Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and test their mettle can dive in and check out New Game Plus mode, too, which is considerably more difficult while offering the chance at better gear. It’s only for those seeking a true challenge and is not required to earn all of the Trophies or Achievements.

If you decide to dive into Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, make sure to check out our beginner’s guide for some helpful tips.

About Billy Givens

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