How Long To Beat Forspoken – Chapter List

Forspoken is a new action RPG published by Square Enix, and you’ll be able to explore its large open world for tens of hours, as long as you don’t focus solely on the main story. You’ll step into the shoes of Frey Holland, a young New Yorker who gets transported to the mystical world of Athia. And once Athia fully opens up, you’ll find plenty of loot to grab and challenges to complete. Here’s what you need to know about how long Forspoken takes to beat, including a chapter list you can follow so you know how much you’ve got left.

How long is Forspoken?

Forspoken contains 13 main story chapters, many of which include several time-sensitive Detours–side quests from notable NPCs. Here’s the full list of chapters along with their titles:

Chapter 1: AttachmentsChapter 2: StuckChapter 3: The InterloperChapter 4: What Must Be DoneChapter 5: Might and MainChapter 6: Damned If You Do…Chapter 7: The Hue of BlueChapter 8: The Truth Will OutChapter 9: Breaking PointChapter 10: None the WiserChapter 11: ForspokenChapter 12: AwakeningChapter 13: New Beginnings

Judging by our experience, Forspoken will take around 20 hours to complete if you stop to take on a few Detours here and there. For our ongoing guides playthrough, we also didn’t yet fully explore all four regions of the map before seeing the credits roll at the end of the main storyline.

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Those 20 hours could easily jump to 30-40 hours or more, depending on how much of Athia you want to experience. The map is littered with combat challenges, mini-dungeons with optional bosses, treasure chests, and several points of interest that are worth visiting. This is especially true if you want to max out Frey’s skill trees, as nearly every activity you complete will lead to earning experience points or Mana–the currency used to unlock new magic abilities.

Many points of interest also provide gear to upgrade Frey’s stats, so you may actually need to explore more if you choose a higher difficulty. Our 20-hour playthrough was done on Normal difficulty and we never felt the need to grind for new powers or equipment. The optional gear we did obtain almost always provided a noticeable stat increase across the board. This also means that story-focused runs on easier difficulties will likely clock in at less than 20 hours since exploration isn’t necessary. For more, check out our Forspoken review.

The Biggest Games Of January 2023 – Forspoken, Dead Space, And MoreSee More

About Ethan Anderson

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