How To Buy A Jet In GTA Online

There are a plethora of options in GTA Online when it comes to luxury vehicles. From supercars to yachts to planes, players have the world at their fingertips when it comes to deciding what they will ride around across Los Santos. The one dilemma players might run into is trying to buy a luxury vehicle over simply stealing one. This applies to jets more so than most other vehicles in GTA Online.

Jets are perhaps the easiest way to showcase one’s wealth in Los Santos. While a supercar or yacht is nothing to scoff at, there’s just something about a jet that screams opulence. In GTA Online, players are presented with numerous ways to steal a jet. There’s the LAZER fighter jet at Fort Zancudo, for example, that players can steal relatively easily if they know how to get inside the fort.

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If players don’t want to steal a jet, they will need to purchase one. Here are the different methods players can use to acquire their very own jet in Los Santos.

Going to Warstock

In order to purchase a jet, players can visit the Warstock website from their mobile device or computer. This is the one website that sells all of the different jets players can purchase in GTA Online.

Once on Warstock’s website, players can sift through the different options available to them. There are military tanks and other hardware for sale, along with vehicles such as jeeps. The jet section of the website is found in the middle of these military items. Players simply need to click on the jet section and they’ll see all of the different ones for sale that Warstock offers.

However, before even attempting to purchase a jet, players need to ensure they have also purchased an aircraft hangar to store it in. Aircraft hangars were released as purchasable items in the Smuggler’s Run update of GTA Online in August 2017. To acquire one for themselves, players can visit the Maze Bank Foreclosures website and choose the hangar section. There are several different locations to choose from, including three at Fort Zancudo. The fort has some expensive options, though, so it might be wise for players to save some cash by purchasing one of the cheaper hangars at Los Santos International Airport.

Picking out a jet

Once players have purchased the hangar of their choice, they can then return to the Warstock website and pick out their jet. There are two different types of jets players can choose from, being combat and non-combat. There are more options of the combat variety, which are often referred to as fighter jets. The aforementioned LAZER fighter jet is available, costing a whopping $6.5 million. Although, it is one of the fastest vehicles in GTA Online, so the price tag is at least warranted.

There are also some cheaper fighter jets, such as the B-11 Strikeforce and Mammoth Hydra. The Strikeforce is the cheapest of the bunch, coming in at $3.8 million, and is best suited for players who want a more precise and streamlined jet. On the other hand, the Mammoth Hydra is equally as fast as the LAZER but features better braking and less acceleration. The Hydra comes in at just shy of $4 million.

Moving over to the non-combat options, there is the Buckingham Luxor Deluxe and the Buckingham Shamal. The former is one of the most expensive vehicles in GTA Online, costing a behemoth $10 million. This jet is the pinnacle of luxury in GTA Online, reaching around the same speeds as fighter jets. Although, it’s infamously difficult to handle in the air. The Luxor Deluxe comes with a golden paint job and a sparkling interior.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Buckingham Shamal only costs $1.15 million. The Shamal can still reach top speeds like the Luxor Deluxe but doesn’t have the golden coat of paint. This is the best option for players not willing to spend top money on a luxury jet.

Whatever jet players plan to buy, they will need around $2.5 million to cover the cost of the aircraft hangar and the jet itself. Of course, $2.5 million will only net players the cheapest options in both categories.

About Joey Carr

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