How To Buy Cars In GTA Online

GTA Online features a wide variety of vehicles that players can buy and add to their collection. From luxury jets to motorcycles, there is no shortage of what kinds of vehicles players can purchase in Los Santos. Of course, the most popular vehicle for players to browse are cars. Cars make up the vast majority of GTA Online’s vehicle database, making it difficult for players to decide exactly which one to add to their garage.

However, before players can even think about which car they’re going to purchase, they need to first figure out the process of buying cars in GTA Online. This will likely be one of the first purchases players make when they step into the online world of Los Santos. After all, players need a way to navigate to different job locations across the map so they can make enough money to buy more vehicles and even property in GTA Online.

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While players can simply steal their first car, there’s something special about owning one yourself. Not to mention, it’s far more practical. For a full explanation of how to buy cars in GTA Online, players can check out the step-by-step process below.

Visiting the web

As there are so many cars to choose from in GTA Online, there are multiple websites players can visit to browse certain selections. Each of these websites will offer a different style of car, so players can choose whichever one suits their current needs.

To first find these websites, players can bring up their mobile phones and go to the Eyefind Internet browser. From here, go to the Travel and Transporation section that appears on the front page. This will make a number of new websites pop up that players can click on. Those websites, and what kinds of cars they sell, are listed below.

Warstock Cache & Carry – Military-grade vehicles and suppliesSouthern San Andreas Super Autos – Standard cars and other vehiclesBenny’s Original Motor Works – Customizable vehiclesLegendary Motorsport – Luxury cars and high-performance vehicles

Naturally, most players will likely navigate to the Legendary Motorsport website first. This is where all of GTA Online’s luxury and expensive vehicles are put up for sale. Cars such as the Grotti Cheetah and the Överflöd Tyrant are found here. Some of the supercars for sale on this site can go for as much as $3 million, meaning players will need a large wallet to walk away with a new ride.

For players just starting out, Benny’s Original Motor Works or Southern San Andreas Super Autos should be where a first car is purchased. These sites offer solid vehicles that don’t fetch as high of a price as Legendary Motorsport. Buying a car at either of these sites will allow players to start their garage modestly and work their way up to buying one of GTA Online’s many supercars.

Once players have purchased a car from one of these websites, they’ll be able to have it delivered to one of their garages. If players don’t have a garage, they’ll need to purchase one. Also, if players only have one garage and it’s at capacity, they’ll need to choose one car to replace with their new purchase.

Going the GTA way

While this method of acquiring a car isn’t technically buying it, players can choose to carjack a vehicle and add it to their garage. To do this, all players need to do is break into a parked car or stop one in the road and take the wheel. Once players are driving, they can bring the car to a Los Santos Customs shop.

Inside Los Santos Customs, players can add a tracker to this newly stolen vehicle to take possession of it. Players can do this by clicking on the Loss/Theft Prevention option on the Los Santos Customs menu. If players want to ensure they don’t have to pay for a new car if this one gets destroyed, they can also purchase Full Coverage. This ensures players can receive a free replacement for the vehicle that got destroyed.

Some caveats to this method are players cannot add a tracker to a car already owned by another player in GTA Online. So if players kill another player on their server and jack their ride, they can’t make it their own. Also, players can’t steal a luxury vehicle on the streets of Los Santos and bring it in to add a tracker. Los Santos Customs won’t add one for vehicles that are considered too high-end.

About Joey Carr

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