How To Complete The Digging Side Easter Eggs In Terra Maledicta For CoD: Vanguard Zombies

Call of Duty Season 2 is live for Vanguard, which introduces the objective-based Zombies map Terra Maledicta. This new Zombies map has an optional main Easter egg story quest you can complete, but there are a few side quests that will reward you with some sweet loot. Here are all the steps for completing the “digging” side quests of Terra Maledicta.

These side quests will require you to do some digging around the map, so the first step for both is to find a shovel.

Find a shovel

The shovel can be found at four different locations on the map:

Against the wall in the Outpost CourtyardTo the right of the Venomous Vigor perk fountainBeside the train car near the Aethereal Haste perk fountainIn the Market Storage building

Lost Tome Pages Easter egg

Dig up lost pages

Using a shovel, start digging at the small dig piles on the map. I found most of my success around the outer and inner walls of the buildings, but these dig piles are pretty much everywhere and look like a little mound of dirt. You’ll see a prompt pop up that says dig when you’ve successfully found a dig site. Digging at the sites have a chance to reveal a lost page from the Tome of Rituals. Sometimes you uncover random items like salvage or monkey bombs, but keep digging until you have uncovered four tome pages.

Turn in the pages

Take the four pages to the glowing red door found in the Outpost Courtyard near the starting hub. Get close to the door and interact with it to place the pages one by one. I had a bit of trouble getting the interact prompt to pop up, so it seems really picky about where you stand. Just get close to each of the four anchor points to try and get the prompt to appear. Eventually, the pages will lock into place.

Claim your reward

With all four pages in place, you can now claim your free loot behind the door. This reward seems to be most commonly a death machine killstreak, but there is a rare chance of getting a ray gun. You can preview what item is waiting behind the magical door by peeking through the hole in the left side of the wall.

Antenna side quest

Dig up an antenna

Eventually your digging will unearth a radio antenna item. Again, it’s random what items you get from dig sites. Maybe you get salvage, a tome page, an antenna, or monkey bombs. Just keep digging until you get one. For me, I got the antenna long before I found a tome page.

Place antenna

Once you have an antenna, go to the Merchant Road area of the map. There’s a table outside with a communication setup with radios and other equipment. Place the antenna here. You’ll be attacked by a wave of Boom Schreiers, which is Vanguard’s fast enemy type that will explode when either killed or approaching you.

Rotate additional antennas

After dealing with the Boom Schreiers, you need to locate three other antennas on the map. You don’t have to dig these up, you just need to find and rotate them. The order doesn’t seem to matter here, but Boom Schreiers will attack after the first two antenna rotatations, and then heavy Sturmkriegers will attack you on the third and final rotation.

Antenna locations:

One is located upstairs in the Bazaar near the Diabolical Damage perk fountainAnother is located in the Debris Fields near the Venomous Vigor perk fountainA third is found in Market Storage

Rotating all the three antennas and finishing the final wave of Sturmkriegers will spawn a loot chest as a reward.

At the moment, there are Corrupted Heart items that can be dug up and reburied in other areas of the map, but it’s uncertain if this is some part of another side quest.

If you’re just getting started with Terra Maledicta, here is a complete guide for perk fountains on the map. We also have a guide for tips and loadout suggestions for Vanguard Zombies.

About S.E. Doster

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