How To Complete The New Rebirth Island Easter Egg In CoD: Warzone

Season 3 of Warzone resurrects the Rebirth Island Resurgence map from Warzone 1, and the big update includes a brand-new Easter egg to complete. Here we’ll guide you through all the complicated steps to complete this hidden quest and earn the new “Redacted” weapon blueprint.

The map’s Redacted weapon blueprint is locked in a case within the top level of the Industry building. The locked armory case also contains items, such as various armor vests and killstreaks. However, you’ll need to complete a few steps before gaining access.

Table of Contents [hide]Where to find the ID card for Harbor’s locked doorFind the Chemical Engineering computer terminal symbolsHow to reset the water pressure of the Chemical Engineering tanksHow to open the Industry locked armory caseDG-56 assault rifle weapon blueprint reward

Where to find the ID card for Harbor’s locked door

First, land on the lower balcony of the Factory POI and head inside the door labeled B4. Near a set of stairs, you’ll find a gated room that can’t be opened, but it contains a crate that you can shoot. This will reveal an ID Card item you need to grab.

Take the ID card to the small two-story building at Harbor. The second story door is locked and requires the ID to open. Head inside and interact with the computer to turn on the power.

This building also has a UAV streak. While not necessary, grab the UAV and activate it as you head to the next step. This will help you avoid any enemies on the way.

Find the Chemical Engineering computer terminal symbols

Next, head to the Chemical Engineering POI. Go to the top floor and head to a back corner room to find a computer terminal. To the left of the PC is a red number on display with a white symbol above it. You need to write this down, snap a picture on your phone, or memorize it.

Go down one floor and you’ll find another red number and a white symbol. Make note of this information as well. Then, in the separate northern section of the Chemical Engineering POI, you’ll find one last number and corresponding symbol to remember.

How to reset the water pressure of the Chemical Engineering tanks

With all of this information, head into a room on the bottom floor of Chemical Engineering that has three orange tanks and a red button on the wall. The red button says “Reset Water Pressure,” and you’ll want to hit it first.

The orange tanks also have the three white symbols you noted earlier. You’re basically trying to use the terminals to get the tank numbers to match the symbol that each one corresponds with.

Then, you’ll want to use the three PC terminals in the room to adjust the pressure in the three orange tanks. This part is annoyingly complex because each terminal does something different, and it is random each match. One will adjust the number on all three tanks, one only adjusts two numbers, and the third adjusts only one. This is trial and error, so try them all until you determine which does each action. Then, match the numbers you collected earlier with the corresponding symbol.

How to open the Industry locked armory case

Durable gas masks drop when you’ve correctly input all the numbers. Head out of the building and through the tunnel that leads under the map. Use this to get to the Industry building. Head upstairs to the locked armory case. There’s a keypad on the right side of the case that requires an eight-digit code.

Turn around and view the PC screen opposite the armory case. This screen has a chart of file sizes with percentages. You need to input all the numbers from the percentages going from largest number to smallest numbers to get the code. (This doesn’t include the files labeled as 0%.)

Example: If your percentages are shown as 22%, 39%, 2%, 28%, 6%, you would enter it ordered as: 39, 28, 22, 6, 2 on the keypad.

DG-56 assault rifle weapon blueprint reward

With all of these steps done, the three lights on the armory case should be green, and you can open it to get all the loot inside, including the Redacted weapon blueprint for the DG-56 assault rifle.

Only the player who grabs the blueprint from the armory case will unlock the blueprint, so make sure to grab it fast if you’re the one doing all the work. The steps will need to be repeated in a new match for any other teammates who want the blueprint for themselves.

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About S.E. Doster

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