How To Complete The Red Doors 'King' Easter Egg In Call Of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty Season 5 Reloaded is now live in both Black Ops Cold War and Warzone, and players are hunting new Easter egg clues in Verdansk. Naturally, they aren’t always super easy to find. This mid-season update brings some weapon tuning, the new Clash 50v50 team deathmatch mode, and more Easter eggs for the Red Doors.

So far, Call of Duty Easter egg hunters have uncovered that the Red Door loot rooms are giving a series of numbers used for completing the Red Doors ‘King’ Easter egg. This quest involves players using Red Doors, hunting for the grave of a king, and the cane melee weapon. Players who complete it will be rewarded with an exclusive Calling Card and $5,000 in cash for the match.

How To Complete The King Easter Egg

Thanks to avid Easter egg hunter Geeky Pastimes and his squad, a good bit of the legwork is already done for the Call of Duty community. Going through the Red Doors, they quickly discovered that each of the 13 different stations gave audio dialogue for a series of numbers.

They then uncovered that each set of numbers translated to a word, ending up with the Warzone riddle: Lay the king to final rest above the bones of six feet depth. From there, they determined they needed to dig at a king’s grave. Here’s Geeky Pastimes’ full Easter egg guide, if you want to see how they fully uncovered the riddle.

To complete this Easter egg for yourself, you’ll need to go through any Red Door. Once it teleports you inside the corridor of Red Doors, search for the “Adler” door, which is the only one without lightning bolts, and head through it. Once inside the room full of supply caches, open them until one drops the Cane “Lost Lion” blueprint weapon.

Take the cane to the graveyard, which is located not far from Zhokov Boneyard. From there, search for the grave with a statue wearing a crown. There are two of these statues, but you’re looking for the one that has dirt and grass in front of it.

When standing at the grave with the cane, a prompt should display three question marks on your screen. Interact with the statue and you’ll get an audio cue followed by the Calling Card unlocking. You’ll also get $5,000 to use during your match.

If you’re playing in a squad, it appears each player must go through a Red Door to find their own Lost Lion cane. You can’t drop the cane and pass it around for other teammates to use.

It’s uncertain whether this new Easter egg is meant to be live yet, or if it is an accidental release meant to be part of Season 5 Reloaded’s Numbers event, which isn’t set to arrive until September 21.

This still leaves a few mysterious points of interest on Verdansk. Season 5’s Mobile Broadcast Stations and giant shipping container structures still don’t seem to be active. The Mobile Broadcast Stations are the immobile Bertha cargo trucks with a giant antenna on the truck bed, which can be found all over the map. And no one can overlook the odd stacks of shipping containers with the awful humming noise. We’ll continue to update as more Warzone secrets are uncovered.

Warzone’s Season 5 Reloaded patch notes did tease that the Mobile Broadcast Stations will soon begin amplifying the Numbers broadcasts, which revolves around the Black Ops campaign narrative of brainwashing sleeper agents. Maybe we’ll see some action with those ahead of the Numbers event.

In other news, Call of Duty: Vanguard is also offering a multiplayer beta this weekend for anyone on PlayStation who preordered the game. This closed PlayStation beta runs from September 10-13. The following weekend will host another beta, including access for those who preordered on Xbox and PC, as well as anyone on PlayStation for its first two days.

Season 5 Reloaded also arrives to Call of Duty as as Activision Blizzard faces a lawsuit from the state of California over harassment and discrimination against women.

About S.E. Doster

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