How To Easily Get A God Roll Grenade Launcher In Destiny 2: Lightfall Right Now

Heavy grenade launchers are among the biggest beneficiaries of the update that released alongside Destiny 2: Lightfall, having gotten some very nice buffs. That hopefully means you recently got your hands on a good Wendigo, but if not, fret not: There’s a god roll grenade launcher you can potentially get your hands on right now through a bit of trickery. Here’s how it works.

Among the new Season of Defiance weapons you can obtain is a heavy grenade launcher called Regnant. It’s an adaptive-frame type, just like Wendigo, and it can roll with some excellent perks. You might luck out and get a great one, or you’ll eventually be able to unlock its pattern and craft one. But through an apparent glitch shared by YouTube channel Above, once you’ve obtained one Regnant, you have another avenue to securing that god roll.

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Assuming you already have gotten Regnant, head into your Collections and find it in the grenade launcher section. Typically, you can’t pull weapons with randomized perks from here, but Regnant is an exception. And although the version you see lists Rangefinder and Pugilist as its perks, the version of the gun you receive will actually have randomized perks. Therefore, provided you can afford the cost–1,000 Glimmer, 10 Legendary Shards, and seven Enhancement Cores–you can pull copies of the gun indefinitely until you get what you want.

In this case, the god roll scenario is to get a version with Auto-Loading Holster, which reloads the gun while it’s holstered, and Explosive Light, which increases the blast radius and damage of your next shot after picking up an Orb of Power. Ideally, in the second row, you can get Spike Grenades to increase damage on direct hits.

Again, you can eventually craft one of these yourself, but if you’re Wendigo-less and eager to get a great grenade launcher immediately, this is perhaps your best option right now.

Heavy grenade launchers saw big buffs in the Lightfall update (with the exception of the Parasite Exotic). Damage they deal against minor enemies was increased by 40%, while its damage against champions, minibosses, bosses, and vehicles was bumped up by 20%. The blast radius on heavy grenade launchers was also bumped up by one meter, and Bungie made it “slightly easier” to hit your targets.

About Chris Pereira

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