How To Find Silver Ore In V Rising

Throughout the expansive world of V Rising, there are dozens of materials that you can gather and use for further use. Whether that’s to build your castle, add stations to craft items, or develop new combat methods, you will need most materials in the game at some point or another. One material that might seem off-limits to players is silver, however. As the lore goes, silver is toxic to vampires; it’s one of the items that humans have used to ward off vampires in the past. In V Rising, though, you can actually mine silver ore and use it for various purposes.

Silver ore is considered one of the rarer metals in V Rising. Copper ore and iron ore are much simpler to find on the map. This doesn’t mean that silver ore is impossible to locate and mine, of course. We’ve put together a guide on exactly where you can find silver and what to do with it in the guide below.

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Finding silver ore

The best location to mine silver ore in V Rising is at a point of interest called Silverlight Hills. There’s a place called the Sacred Silver Mines within Silverlight Hills that you can use to mine all of the silver you desire. Although, if you’re a lower-level player looking to mine some silver, we recommend that you wait until you have a gear score of at least 60. Silverlight Hills is one of the last regions of the game that you should visit, as its enemies are at or above level 60.

Once you’re at the appropriate level, you can head to Silverlight Hills in the northwest part of the V Rising map. You want to go as far northwest as possible in Silverlight Hills, as one of the largest silver mines is located there. Of course, you won’t be able to just waltz in and start mining the precious metal. You will likely need to defeat several mobs along the way and at the door of the mine. As previously mentioned, these mobs will have a level of at least 60, so it’s best to come combat-ready.

Inside the mine, you will be able to find dozens of silver ore veins for mining. You’ll also find large sulphur deposits here as well. After you gather some silver and add it to your inventory, you’ll notice that your health will slowly start going down. The V Rising developers didn’t completely throw vampiric lore out the window. Having silver in your inventory will deteriorate your health as long as you have it, so it’s best to gather large amounts of silver as quickly as possible. If you want to stop this damage from happening, you can drink a silver resistance potion, which can be crafted from your Alchemy Table.

Whatever you decide to do at the mines, head back to your base to deposit the silver ore in your furnace. Using the furnace allows you to smelt the ore into ingots, which you can then use for various crafting purposes. You can also use a Scourgestone to turn the silver to dark silver, which you don’t take damage from when it’s in your inventory. Dark silver has additional uses for crafting weapons, armor, and other items in V Rising.

About Joey Carr

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