How To Get A 5-Star Wanted Level In GTA Online

Traditionally, GTA players are actively trying to avoid the cops and lose any wanted level they might have picked up during their time in Los Santos. However, there is a reason why some players would want the cops after them. Not only that, but there’s also a reason for desiring a 5-star wanted level. Specifically, this mainly applies to GTA Online and not so much the story mode.

Having a 5-star wanted level obviously means players are more at risk of being arrested or killed. This also means GTA Online players can’t necessarily access their apartment, office, etc. While there are some negatives associated with the high wanted level, there are also some benefits, such as access to FBI vehicles, tanks, police helicopters, and more. If players can get their hands on these vehicles during the 5-star police chase, they can add them to their garage after the chase has ended.

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Also, the simple idea of roleplaying a high-profile police chase is attractive to some online players. Whatever the reason for wanting 5 stars, we’ve assembled the best ways to go about quickly earning a 5-star wanted level in GTA Online.

Taking the time

In short, the most effective way to acquire a 5-star wanted level is to put in the time causing chaos around Los Santos. Earning a traditional 5-star wanted level can take upwards of 20-30 minutes, provided players don’t stop committing crimes during this time period.

To start out, players want to commit as many crimes as humanly possible. Stealing a car or police vehicle, shooting at police, or taking down citizens on the street are some of the best early crimes to commit. Once players have attained one or two stars on their wanted level, they need to keep shooting at people and police to keep the level steady and eventually increase it.

If players do this, they’ll reach a three or four-star level. Here, police will begin to send out helicopters to track and shoot at players on the ground. The FBI will also start to send some of their vehicles to aid the police. Once this happens, players either want to equip a rocket launcher or hop in a fighter jet. The rocket launcher can be purchased from Ammu-Nation once players hit level 60 while a fighter jet can be purchased from a variety of places.

The goal with these objects is to start shooting down police helicopters. The leap from four stars to a full 5-star wanted level starts with taking down choppers while still eliminating police and any vehicles they might have. Blowing up vehicles along with choppers is also a less time-consuming way of making the jump to a 5-star wanted level.

Fort Zancudo

One of the tried and true ways of earning a 5-star wanted level is to break into Fort Zancudo. This location in GTA Online is well hidden but veterans of the game should know exactly where to find it. For any newcomers, the fort is only viewable on the map once players head to the northwest side of the map. The fort is the location with the airstrip that juts out from the main road.

Fort Zancudo is extremely hard to break into. Players in GTA Online can use a variety of methods, such as using a fast car and accessing the northern hills to launch into the base. There’s also the skydiving option, which just requires a plane and parachute. If players fly into the fort’s restricted air space, they will immediately receive a 2-star wanted level. This is followed by a 4-star rating and guided-missile attacks if players remain in the air space for too long.

Regardless of how players choose to get inside Fort Zancudo, once they’re spotted by guards, they will immediately gain a 5-star wanted level. As long as players are inside the base, they can look for top-tier vehicles like the P-996 LAZER fighter jet or Rhino tank. Getting into these vehicles makes the police chase much more manageable, as the tank can wreak havoc on the ground while the LAZER can shoot down anything in the sky.

As long as players find a way into the base and get seen by a guard, they will acquire the 5-star level. If, for whatever reason, players only received a 4-star wanted level, getting into one of the vehicles in the base or in the hangars seems to escalate the level. Of course, if players keep killing police and guards they will bump up their wanted level regardless.

Fort Zancudo is arguably the quickest way of acquiring five stars in GTA Online but it can be risky. If players want an easier and more mellow way of earning the maximum wanted level, they need to keep committing crimes in Los Santos and destroy any vehicle that comes their way.

About Joey Carr

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