One of the biggest downsides to the early game of V Rising is how much traveling there is to do around the northern regions of the map. Anything north of the starting area of Farbane Woods requires several in-game hours to get to. This can make getting back to your castle difficult if the sun comes out during your travel. Luckily, there is one concrete way to make your traversal faster and more efficient. After a few hours in V Rising, you can get a horse.
Horses can be acquired from a few different locations on the map. As you would expect, horses can move much quicker than you can on foot or even with the Wolf form ability you receive from defeating the Alpha Wolf. However, horses also need to be maintained just like your castle. For a full look at the horses in V Rising and how to acquire them, check out the guide below.
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Now Playing: V Rising Beginner's Guide: 7 Early Game Tips
Getting your first horse
The location where you’ll likely stumble across your first noble steed is in Dunley Farmlands. This is the region to the immediate north of Farbane Woods and holds several farms where horses are kept. You can find one horse in the southeastern part of Dunley Farmlands, just north of the east Farbane Woods. Near this part of the region, there will be a point of interest simply called the “Farm.”
Here, you will see a horse in a stable. Once you find it, you can approach it and hold the interact key to mount the horse. From this point on, that specific horse is yours to keep or lose. If you choose to keep it, you can return to your castle and your horse will remain there until you choose to ride it again. However, if you lose your horse by forgetting where you last dismounted it, you will have to return to Dunley Farmlands again and find another.
When you mount a horse, you can press the inventory key to see your horse’s stats. There are three stats that each horse comes with: Max Speed, Acceleration, and Rotation Speed. These stats are random for every horse in V Rising and, at this time, it seems like you’re unable to alter or increase the stats. So if you want a specific stat tree for your horse, you can mount one, check its stats, and then decide if that horse meets your requirements. Max Speed on a horse is how fast it can go, Acceleration is how quickly the horse can reach its Max Speed, and Rotation Speed is how quickly the horse can make turns.
Controlling your horse
Once you’re riding a horse, you can control it in a few different ways. The horse will slowly walk by default but you can press Space to gallop and increase its speed. You can also attack enemies while on your horse, but only with your melee weapon. Abilities and weapon skills are unusable while riding a horse. Attacking while on a horse can be a bit finicky at times, so we don’t recommend using horseback for all of your attacking purposes.
When you’re ready to dismount the steed, you can press Q to bring up a reticle. Aim the reticle where you’d like to dismount and then press Q again to fully dismount. The horse won’t move from its current spot after you dismount unless enemies start to surround it. You want to try and dismount the horse in as safe a spot as possible, as you can lose the animal fairly easily if it gets scared and runs off.
In order to keep your horse alive, you need to give it waterskins. This item can be crafted from your inventory’s crafting tab as long as you have leather and plant fibers. With the waterskin, you can find a pond to fill it up with water. You can then give the full waterskin to your horse to keep it healthy. Each full waterskin lasts 7.5 hours, so don’t forget to replenish your horse’s health frequently.
For more on this emerging survival-crafting game, check our our V Rising tips for beginners.