How To Get Ergo Sum And Its Catalyst In Destiny 2: The Final Shape

Destiny 2: The Final Shape introduces a new Exotic sword to the game in the form of Ergo Sum, and if you’re lucky, this could be one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Ergo Sum is unique in a variety of ways: Not only can it be wildly different based on rolls you obtain, but it’s also a sword that goes in the Energy weapon slot, unlike any previous weapon of this type.

Where things get really interesting is with Ergo Sum’s intrinsic trait, as it can inherit one of several abilities from other Exotic weapons. With the right roll, you could get the sword with Gjallarhorn’s Wolfpack Rounds or Cloudstrike’s Stormbringer. Getting the weapon is also simple, and you can farm the Overthrow public event in the Pale Heart to potentially get new rolls. An Ergo Sum catalyst is also now available, although getting it is no easy task.

It’s worth pointing out that Ergo Sum’s damage type and form isn’t set in stone either, as you can get one with a different frame and damage variety. Each unique sword frame has its own characteristics, like a Wave Sword frame allowing for shockwave uppercuts when you trigger its heavy attack. If all of this sounds like a recipe for success, here’s how you can get Ergo Sum and the possible rolls you can unlock.

For more walkthroughs, you can check out our Destiny 2: The Final Shape guides hub to help you get through some of the trickier parts of the game.

Table of Contents [hide]How to get Ergo SumHow to farm Ergo SumHow to get the Ergo Sum catalystErgo Sum weapon perk: Transcendent DuelistErgo Sum: Possible intrinsic traitsErgo Sum: Possible frames

How to get Ergo Sum

Complete The Final Shape campaignStart the “Destined Heroes” questComplete the mission “Queens I”Complete the mission “Lost in the Light”Complete the mission “Found in the Dark”Visit Ghost to acquire the Dyadic Prism so that you can access a new landing zone and Ergo Sum

After completing the campaign, you can obtain the Destined Heroes quest to unlock Ergo Sum through several objectives. This is an uncomplicated questline to go through, though it does involve quite a few individual steps and missions. But you’ll be progressing not just toward getting Ergo Sum, but also obtaining additional Prismatic grenades, Super, and Aspect options. (You get new Prismatic Fragments in a different way.)

How to farm Ergo Sum

Unlike most Exotic weapons, there is a reason to farm for Ergo Sum: As noted above, multiple aspects of the weapon can be different from version to version.

The first way to get more Ergo Sum swords is by checking out the Pathfinder system for the Pale Heart specifically. You can grab two more rolls of the Exotic by completing certain objectives and creating a path toward the prize each week.

You can also farm for Ergo Sum through the new Overthrow activity in the Pale Heart. Each day, one of the areas of the Pale Heart will be the featured one–you can confirm this by hovering over the Overthrow icon for that region. This will list Zero Sum as one of the rewards, and whereas others (like weapon patterns) are not guarantee, you will be able to guarantee yourself another Zero Sum by completing a full Overthrow activity.

How to get the Ergo Sum catalyst

The Ergo Sum catalyst is now available, and it’ll be given to anyone who can make it through the new Grandmaster-difficulty version of Excision. This is an extremely challenging version of the 12-player mission, with tons of champions, limited revives, and enemies that both deal and can take a ton of damage. You’ll need to ensure your Power level is fairly high–likely 2010–to make it a more reasonable task. Also be aware that the more people you bring into the mission, which does not support matchmaking for the GM version, will scale up the difficulty.

Once you do get the Ergo Sum catalyst and unlock it, you’ll add the Transcendent Steel perk, which provides ammo to your Ergo Sum when you deal damage with a Transcendent grenade.

Ergo Sum weapon perk: Transcendent Duelist

This weapon collects less ammo. Final blows with this weapon accelerate Light and Darkness mastery. Deals increased damage while Transcendent; defeating targets lengthens Transcendence.

Ergo Sum: Possible intrinsic traits

Now it’s time to look at the exciting potential of Ergo Sum. A few Guardians equipped with Ergo Sum swords that have Stormbringer intrinsic traits could unleash a superstorm of lightning strikes on enemies. Or imagine how you’ll melt through bosses if you and your teammates have an Ergo Sum with the Perfect Fifth trait, attaching solar explosives with every fifth attack.

Throw one of these abilities on a sword like Falling Guillotine, which has a powerful spinning attack, and Ergo Sum looks like a fun new weapon to use and experiment with.

Wolfpack Rounds Powered heavy attacks cause nearby Sword-wielders to emit tracking missiles with every attack.
Gathering Light Final blows with this weapon grant stacks of Gathering Light, improving guard stats and lunge range. Stowing this weapon consumes all stacks, granting melee, grenade, and class ability energy.
Sacred Flame Powered heavy attacks mark nearby targets, causing them to explode upon death. Striking marked targets with a Light attack detonates them.
The Perfect Fifth Every five hits attach a delayed Solar explosive, scorching your target.
Arc Conductor Powered heavy attacks charge the wielder, enabling them to resist Arc damage and chain lightning to nearby targets.
Stormbringer Rapid final blows create a lightning storm at the target’s location.
Unplanned Reprieve Powered heavy attacks emit projectiles that detonate with a delayed Void blast.
Insectoid Robot Grenades Defeated targets drop insectoid robots that chase and explode close to other targets.

Ergo Sum: Possible frames

Vortex frame

Heavy attack: Launch a heavy spin attackHeavy attacks are stronger with full energy

Caster frame

Heavy attack: Launch a heavy projectile attackHeavy attacks are stronger with full energy

Wave frame

Heavy attack deploys a shockwave uppercut and launches the user into the airAn immediate follow up swing after the uppercut deploys a homing strike that aggressively seeks a target

Lightweight frame

Heavy attack creates a dash attackFast movement

Aggressive frame

Powerful, heavy swingsHeavy attack: Slam attackDestiny 2: The Final Shape – Episode: Echoes Season Pass Gear And ExoticsSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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