How To Get Leather In V Rising

To craft leather in V Rising is a key early step in your life as a bloodsucker. Like any good survival-crafting title, V Rising has players searching high and low for resources to expand their base and gear selection. There are dozens of different resources that players can collect in order to craft more advanced materials, such as leather. Not only does it allow players to expand their base with new craftable items and stations, but it also allows players to upgrade their gear. This lets players focus on the more important aspects of the game and less on smaller issues, such as trying to avoid the sun.

However, as with most other materials in V Rising, the process of crafting leather isn’t readily apparent in the early game. Players must go on several missions, build out a sizable base, and defeat a few bosses before they gain the experience necessary to craft leather. Luckily, if you know the proper shortcuts, then you can expedite this process and gain access to leather much quicker than you normally would.

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We’ve laid out the necessary steps to acquire leather in V Rising below.

How to craft leather in V Rising

The first step to adding some leather to your inventory is to craft the Tannery station within your base. The Tannery is exactly what it sounds like, a station to turn hides into more refined materials. During the early portion of V Rising, you’ll stumble across wolves, bears, and other animals. When you kill these animals, they will drop Animal Hide. You’ll want to store as much of this Animal Hide inside of a chest in your base, as it will be vital later when trying to craft leather.

In order to gain access to the Tannery, you will need to kill Keely the Frost Archer boss. This is a mandatory step in the main missions you need to complete to progress the story. You can start tacking Keely the Frost Archer by building a Blood Altar in your base and interacting with it. This will bring up a menu with all of the game’s bosses and the levels you need to beat them. You can choose to track a boss from the menu, which will trigger a blood trail in the air that you can follow to reach the boss you’re tracking. Keely is located at the Bandit Trapper Camp in the northeast part of Farbane Woods. It’s directly north of the starting Teleporter in the East Farbane Woods.

When you find and kill Keely the Frost Archer, who has a level requirement of 20, you will gain the ability to build the Tannery inside of your base. The Tannery is found under the Refinement tab of the Build menu and requires 8 Planks and 160 Animal Hide to craft. Select a spot in your base to place the Tannery and then exit out of the Build menu. From here, approach and interact with the station and ensure you have a solid amount of Animal Hide in your inventory. It takes 16 Animal Hide to make one piece of leather. To start crafting leather, drag over the Animal Hide from your inventory to the station’s inventory. This will automatically start the crafting process.

Once you have some leather, you have the ability to craft new pieces of gear and additional base items.

About Joey Carr

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