How To Get Whetstone In V Rising

V Rising challenges players in a number of different ways. From simply learning the mechanics of the game to trying to establish a fully-functioning castle, players have their cut out for them in the world of Vardoran. Fortunately, many of your goals in V Rising will overlap with each other. The game has designed its mission system to act this way, allowing players to accomplish one goal to start another. One of the best examples is allowing players to build a starting base and then upgrading it with different items. A necessary addition to any base is the roof, which can’t be crafted without a whetstone.

While the whetstone does serve other purposes in V Rising, you will mainly need it to craft roof slabs for your starting base and eventual castle. In the early game, the only way to acquire a whetstone is to find it out in the world. Later on, you’ll be able to craft your own whetstone but that’s not until several other missions are completed. For now, you want to focus on which areas can produce a whetstone so you can at least get a roof over your head to avoid the dangerous sun.

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We’ve outlined the best places to acquire a whetstone and how to eventually craft one yourself in the guide below.

Finding whetstones

The easiest and perhaps earliest location you can find whetstones at is Bandit Strongholds. These are points of interest on the map, which are marked by yellow circles. Of course, not every point of interest will be a Bandit Stronghold but there are a couple in the starting region of Farbane Woods. You will need to head a few hundred meters north to stumble across Bandit Strongholds and other Bandit camps. Once you do, you can clear out the bandits that are there to loot their bodies. These bandits themselves might actually drop whetstones, so make sure to take as many of them out as possible.

In the location itself, there will be several lootable items scattered across the ground and other parts of the stronghold or camp. There will usually be a few whetstones able to be picked up, though some locations might hold more or less of the resource. Additionally, you can also find resources like paper, copper ore, and more. With an inventory full of whetstones, you can head back to your base and start construction on your roofing. However, you must have completed the prerequisite missions that give you access to the recipe for the roof slabs.

Crafting whetstones

After some time in V Rising, you will gain the ability to craft your own whetstones. The crafting recipe is tied to the boss Grayson the Armorer. If you open your Blood Altar menu and scroll down, you will see this boss has a level requirement of level 27. This means you won’t be able to beat the boss until you reach this specific gear score.

If you are level 27, then you can travel to the Bandit Armory in Farbane Woods to find Grayson the Armorer. Upon defeating the boss, you will unlock the Crimson Aegis power along with the ability to craft whetstones, statues, and workshop floors. The recipe to craft a whetstone is as follows:

1 Copper Ingot12 Stone Dust

These materials shouldn’t be too difficult to acquire at this stage of the game. To craft the whetstone with these materials, you can interact with the furnace inside your base. Transfer both materials to the furnace and leave it to make the whetstones. With more whetstones, you can begin to improve your castle by more significant margins. This is mainly done by crafting stone bricks, which turn your wooden base into an actual castle.

About Joey Carr

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