How To Salvage Weapons And Gear In Diablo 4

Diablo 4 has no shortage of loot, as the world of Sanctuary is teeming with various sources that can drop you rare items to equip on your character. While every player will be anxiously awaiting their first legendary piece of gear or the right weapon for their build, you will find that most of the loot you receive is not worth keeping. In these cases, you can either sell that gear to earn extra gold or salvage it to get back crafting materials.

It’s ultimately up to you whether or not you want to sell or salvage an item in Diablo 4. However, some players might simply be wondering how they can salvage an item in the first place. Below, you can find the answer to that question along with some other details about what it means to salvage a weapon or piece of armor in Diablo 4.

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Diablo 4 – How to salvage gear and weapons

You are able to salvage most pieces of gear when you visit a Blacksmith. Blacksmiths are marked by the anvil icon on your mini-map and should be available in most towns across Sanctuary. Once you get to a Blacksmith, the first screen you see after interacting with them is the salvage screen.

You will see a hammer icon in red on the left side of the screen and your inventory on the right side. In order to salvage an item in your inventory, you need to physically press the hammer icon in the red square. This will turn your cursor into a small hammer, and you can now press on the inventory items you want to salvage.

In exchange for salvaging an item, you will receive crafting materials that are based on the rarity of the item you salvaged. For example, if you salvaged a common pair of gloves, you will likely only receive some rawhide in return. However, if you salvage a rare weapon, the return could be Veiled Crystals, iron chunks, and silver ore. You can see exactly what materials you’re receiving in return by looking at the “Salvaged Materials” box at the bottom left-hand side of the screen after salvaging an item.

You are able to salvage almost any item in Diablo 4, but there is one large exception. If you have imprinted a new Aspect onto a legendary weapon or piece of gear at The Occultist, then you will not be able to salvage that weapon moving forward. This Aspect can come from either the Codex of Power or from one in your inventory. Once you decide to use a new Aspect on a piece of gear, you can only equip, stash, or sell it in the future.

Aside from that, everything in your inventory is fair game when it comes to salvaging. If you have a full inventory and want to salvage everything in it simultaneously, you can use the buttons below the red hammer icon on the Blacksmith’s screen. These buttons allow you to salvage all of your junk, common, magic, and rare items at once. Don’t worry if you press the “All Items” button, though, as this will salvage every item in your inventory except for the legendary items.

For more help on Diablo 4, check out our robust guides hub, with dozens of Diablo 4 guides.

About Joey Carr

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