How To Unlock The Roost Cafe And Find Brewster In Animal Crossing: New Horizons

We initially thought Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ next update would center solely around the return of The Roost, the cafe seen in previous games in the series. Instead, the 2.0 update is bursting at the seams with new additions, but The Roost is nonetheless one of the key aspects of it. This coffee shop won’t automatically be added to your island after installing the new update, however, and getting it set up will involve seeking out Brewster, who will manage the new cafe location once it’s open. Here’s where to find Brewster and how to get the ball rolling on The Roost.

Where to find Brewster

Whereas you’re alerted to some of the other new additions in this update by Isabelle, such as ordinances, there’s no mention of The Roost. To get started, head to the museum, where The Roost will eventually be located, and talk to Blathers. He’ll say he has been thinking about opening a cafe but that doing so will require the presence of Brewster, the pigeon who has operated The Roost in the past. Blathers mentions gyroids–another returning element added in this update–and how Brewster is a big enthusiast of them. He gives you a photo of Brewster and tasks you with tracking him down.

This leads you to yet another aspect of previous Animal Crossing games that’s now been brought to New Horizons: island boat tours with Kapp’n. Head to the dock on your beach and you’ll find Kapp’n hanging out on his boat. Talk to him to learn about how he can take you to a mystery island, and then pay him 1,000 Nook Miles to make the trip. Note that you can only make one of these trips with Kapp’n per day.

Kapp’n will treat you to a sea shanty on the way (you can clap along with the A button), and when you arrive, you can navigate the island just as with airport tours. Wander around and you should find Brewster right away–in our testing, he always shows up during this first island trip.

Chat with him and let him know that Blathers sent you to find him, and he’ll quickly agree to come to your island. (It’s so quick, in fact, that you might think you missed a step, but he apparently doesn’t take a lot of convincing.) He’ll give you a gyroid fragment and tell you to bury it on your island, water it, and wait a day, but that’s a separate process to opening the cafe, so feel free to leave the island at this point. That said, you should make the most of your trip, so make sure to hit any rocks with your shovel and dig up any fossil cracks you see, as those can contain additional Gyroid fragments.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons News And Guides

What To Do First In Animal Crossing: New Horizons' Big New 2.0 Update How To Unlock The Roost Cafe And Find Brewster In Animal Crossing: New Horizons How To Open The Shopping Plaza On Harv's Island In Animal Crossing: New Horizons + Show More Animal Crossing: New Horizons News And Guides Links (3) Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ladder Set-Up Kit: How To Use The New Permanent Ladders Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ordinances Guide – How To Enact Ordinances And What They Do How To Crossbreed Flowers In Animal Crossing: New Horizons

How to build The Roost

Once you’re back on your island, return to the museum and let Blathers know the good news. He’ll talk about needing to get construction started, which will involve closing the museum the next day. That means it’ll be two days before The Roost opens when you first complete this process, so you should be sure to do this as soon as possible.

With the update having only just launched, we’re still waiting to see what The Roost entails. We know it’ll be located up the stairs of the museum and to the left of the art section, and that you can go there to have a cup of coffee, Isabelle can visit, and characters can be invited with Amiibo figures or cards. Other players can join you for a cup of joe, too. We’ll report back with more information as we discover it. For more, be sure to check out our guide on the new ladder set-up kits that let you erect permanent ladders on your island.

About Chris Pereira

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