How To Upgrade Apex Legends On Xbox Series X|S And PS5

Apex Legends got a current-gen upgrade for both Xbox Series X|S and PS5 in late March, bringing full support for the powerful systems instead of just having them run last-gen versions. Respawn Entertainment has shared just what you’ll need to do to upgrade the game if you’re already playing it on those systems. If you’re on Xbox, your process is going to be a lot simpler than it is on PS5. In fact, you’re basically already done.

How to upgrade Apex Legends on PS5

To upgrade Apex Legends to the current-gen version on PS5, you’re going to have to go to the game hub from the console’s dashboard and press the options button, then choose “select version” and the PS5 instead of PS4. This will trigger the download for the PS5 version but it will not delete the PS4 version from your console’s storage–you’ll still have to do that manually.

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If you do not have the game installed yet, you should be able to simply search for Apex Legends via the PlayStation Store and select the PS5 version. The link for the PS5 version specifically is here, as well. This should eliminate any guesswork or mistakes once it’s installed.

How to upgrade Apex Legends on Xbox Series X|S

To upgrade Apex Legends to the current-gen version on Xbox Series X|S, you literally don’t have to do anything. Simply allow the game to update like it usually would when you start it up, and it will install the correct version for your console via Smart Delivery. If the game isn’t installed at all, Smart Delivery will give you the correct version when you download it.

What’s different in these versions?

The new versions of Apex Legends include several visual improvements for the game. With the exception of full 60Hz gameplay and HDR, the following improvements do not apply to Xbox Series S:

4K resolutionFull 60Hz gameplayHDRHigher-resolution shadow mapsGreater LOD (level of detail) distances

Apex Legends is kicking off its Warriors Collection event to coincide with the upgrade. In the future, Xbox Series X and PS5 will both get more improvements, including 120Hz gameplay and DualSense haptic support on PS5.

About Gabe Gurwin

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