Compared to summers past, this year’s E3–er, Not-E3–has been a lot less intense. However, that doesn’t mean there’s not plenty to be excited about. After a stellar Summer Game Fest Live and a jam-packed Saturday, two conferences are scheduled for Sunday, June 12–and you can expect some big announcements to come out of them.
Luckily, GameSpot will be hosting streams for both the Xbox-Bethesda Gaming Showcase and the PC Gaming Show. Here’s some information on how to watch them, as well as a few things we think might be there.
Xbox-Bethesda Gaming Showcase
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The Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase–which might need a new and preferably shorter name if that Activision Blizzard deal goes through–will feature 95 minutes of announcements from Microsoft’s biggest first-party studios and several third-party studios as well. You can probably expect to hear a bit more about Halo Infinite, Forza, Starfield, Hellblade 2, and more. However, if you’re looking for new details about Fable or Perfect Dark, don’t hold you breath–Microsoft has already confirmed neither game will be shown during the conference.
You can catch the Xbox-Bethesda Gaming Showcase June 12 at 10 AM PT on GameSpot’s Twitch and YouTube channels. It will also air as part of Twitch’s Summer Gathering.
Xbox-Bethesda Gaming Showcase start time
PC Gaming Show
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Hosts Sean Plott and Mica Burton are returning for a showcase dedicated to all things PC. While there are sure to be a few surprises in store, you can count on hearing more about Arma 4, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, Immortality, and Victoria 3. The show is scheduled to air immediately after the Xbox & Bethesda Showcase and will run for approximately 45 minutes.
The PC Gaming Show will air on June 12 at 12:30 PM PT on GameSpot’s Twitch and YouTube channels. It will also air as part of Twitch’s Summer Gathering.
PC Gaming Show start time
12:30 PM PT2:30 PM CT3:30 PM ET9:30 PM CET
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