InZoi Gamescom Trailer Shows The Joy And Pain Of Everyday Life

InZoi–Krafton’s wildly ambitious life-simulation game–seems poised to let you do almost anything, as anyone, and in a new Gamescom trailer, we got to see just how that can play out. You could experience the most joyful moments of someone’s life or watch them at their very worst.

The trailer begins with a cat walking up an invisible set of steps before activating a device that seems to give them access to their own world. In-universe, we see friends chatting on the street, giving each other high-fives, and exchanging presents. Elsewhere, more-substantial events are taking place, such as a wedding, and we later see the same married couple interacting with their baby.

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Now Playing: inZOI – Official Gameplay And Character Studio Reveal Trailer | Gamescom 2024

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, naturally, as we see people slapping each other and angrily throwing garbage. A car accident results in both drivers blaming the other, and a novice cook starts an enormous fire in her home. For anyone familiar with The Sims, that one should feel right at home.

InZoi doesn’t have a release date yet, but Krafton is offering the InZoi: Character Studio tool on Steam from August 21-26. Characters made using the detailed customization tools will then be usable once InZoi exits early access.

About Gabe Gurwin

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